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Lower-body range-of-motion exercise for elders

This is an excerpt from Exercise for Frail Elders-2nd Edition by Elizabeth Best-Martini & Kim Jones-DiGenova.

Lower-Body Range-of-Motion



Seated Up-and-Down Leg March

Target Joint­—Hips

Start and Finish Position

1. Good seated posture.

2. Hands in a comfortable position.

Upward and Downward Movement

3. Lift one foot off the floor.

4. Then put it back down.

5. Alternate legs (march).

6. Perform three to eight repetitions per leg.

Exercise and Safety Tips

Lift legs only as high as comfortable while maintaining erect posture.

Those with a hip fracture or replacement should avoid lifting the leg higher than a 90-degree angle at the hip joint in a seated or standing position.

Variations and Progression Options

Easier: Start by lifting the legs slightly, keeping the toes on the floor. Slowly progress higher.

Challenger: Move feet forward and backward while marching.

Challenger (Combo): Swing arms while marching.

In-between: Perform leg marching between other ROM exercises.

Standing Up-and-Down Leg March (involves a brief one-legged stand).

Learn more about Exercise for Frail Elders.

More Excerpts From Exercise for Frail Elders-2nd Edition