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Lifetime Health Technologies: Sample high school Wearable Activity Tracker Assignment

This is an excerpt from Technology for Physical Educators, Health Educators, and Coaches With Web Resource by Seth E. Jenny,Jennifer M. Krause & Tess Armstrong.

If you are a health or physical education teacher, you might ask your high school students to research a wearable technology that they might be interested in purchasing. For a sample worksheet, see figure 6.2. This activity would meet two of SHAPE America's grade-level outcomes for high school physical education and could help students better understand what is involved in becoming a conscious consumer of fitness products. Wearable technology may constitute a big investment for your students after graduation, and you can help them prepare to make good use of this growing market.

Figure 6.2 Sample high school WAT assignment.

More Excerpts From Technology for Physical Educators, Health Educators, and Coaches With Web Resource