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Decline Wall Push-Up

This is an excerpt from Bodyweight Blueprint, The by Brad Kolowich & Jr..

Decline Wall Push-Up


  • Begin in the push-up position with your feet against a wall. Walk your feet up the wall to your desired position (see photo a).
  • Place your hands beneath your lower chest, shoulder-width apart, and lower your chin to the ground (see photo b).
  • Once your chin hovers above the ground, push back to the start position. Reset and repeat for the desired number of reps.

man performing wall push-up


  • Don’t be a hero with your feet’s height; go only to a height where you can control the range of motion.
  • Engage the core and glutes during the entire movement to help correctly target the lower-chest muscles.

The suspension trainer decline push-up is generally more challenging due to the instability of the suspension trainer, requiring greater core and shoulder strength for balance (see photo c and d). The suspension variation is most suitable for those looking to increase the difficulty of the decline push-up.

woman performing suspension trainer decline push-up

More Excerpts From Bodyweight Blueprint, The