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Foundational Yoga Flow

$27.95 USD

$27.95 USD
$27.95 USD

ISBN: 9781718228092


Page Count: 248

Embrace the foundations of your hatha yoga practice through gorgeous photos that capture the natural beauty of the asana.

Foundational Yoga Flow boasts a comprehensive collection of 90 poses segmented into three parts:
  • Awaken: warming and foundational poses as you start to move
  • Deepen: standing, arm-balancing, inversion, and backbend poses that flow into each other and inspire you to challenge yourself
  • Soften: seated and restorative poses to end your practice
Stunning photos depict the beauty, intention, and energy of each pose in relationship with the time of day in which it was photographed: during sunrise to wake up the body (awaken), at midday to invigorate and energize (deepen), and during sunset and nighttime for restoration (soften). Each pose is accompanied by expert instruction and insight to help you gain the most from your practice. Variations are offered to enable you to tailor your yoga practice to your own needs and abilities. Six sequences—including sun salutations, a moon salutation, and sequences for a particular time of day—showcase the poses in a flowing rhythm.

If you aspire to embody the beauty of asana, let Foundational Yoga Flow be the captivating and enlightening guide that you’ll turn to time and time again.


Yoga practitioners and teachers interested in hatha yoga.

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