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Cycling and Mountain Biking

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Human Kinetics offers some of the best cycling books and ebooks for anyone who rides for fun or fitness. Cyclists of all ages and abilities can use strength, speed, power, and endurance building exercises and drills designed to help you ride faster, stronger, longer, and stay injury-free. Whether you’re an amateur or professional cyclist, learn from some of the leading minds in cycling training and technology to develop a training plan. Incorporate weight training, cross training, and cycling specific stretching to deliver maximum power to the pedals as you corner, climb, descend, and sprint with confidence.

If mountain biking is your passion, the best-selling Mastering Mountain Bike Skills teaches essential techniques needed to carve every corner, nail every jump, and own the trail.

For personal trainers or certified fitness professionals who train cyclists, our continuing education courses will ensure your clients are prepared for every challenge that comes their way.