Distance Cycling PDF
Author: John L. Hughes, Daniel Kehlenbach
$21.95 USD
Access Duration: 10 Years

Century, brevet, cross-state, ultradistance—there is only one book that covers them all. Distance Cycling is a comprehensive guide for planning, training, and competing in long-distance events.
Long-time distance cycling great John Hughes, an endurance coach and sport science expert, and coach Dan Kehlenbach team up to cover the sport from every angle. Combining sport science, including the latest research on training and conditioning, with hands-on advice for planning and performance, Distance Cycling will ensure you get the most from every ride.
With Distance Cycling, you will learn how to
•select the distance events best suited to you;
•prepare yourself for the physical and psychological demands of the sport;
•train for century rides and brevets using the 8- and 15-week conditioning programs; and
•conquer grueling ultradistance rides.
You’ll also learn how to fuel properly before, during, and after events; how to select the best equipment for your ride; how to perform basic roadside maintenance on your bike; and how to avoid the most common injuries in distance cycling.
Before you ride, read this book. As the ultimate guide for the ultimate sport, Distance Cycling will help you ride longer, stronger, and more comfortably in every event.
Chapter 1 Going the Distance
Chapter 2 Selecting Your Event
Chapter 3 Baseline Conditioning
Chapter 4 Fueling the Distance Cyclist
Chapter 5 Gearing Up for the Long Haul
Chapter 6 Preparing Your Body to Go the Distance
Chapter 7 Conquering the Century and 200K
Chapter 8 Ultimate Training for Ultra Events
Chapter 9 Mastering the Multiday
Chapter 10 Ultradistance Riding
Chapter 11 Preventing Injury
“Armed with training programs from John Hughes and Dan Kehlenbach, I became a UMCA champion, solo RAAM qualifier, cross-state record holder, and 1200K finisher. DistanceCycling will give you the advantages these authors gave me.”
Larry Graham -- President, UltraMarathon Cycling Association (UMCA)
“I wish Distance Cycling had been available 35 years ago when I struggled to find intelligent information about how to ride farther and faster. This book is a must for any rider who wants to improve overall long-distance cycling performance.”
Lon Haldeman -- Eight-Time Transcontinental Record Setter and Race Across America Winner
“DistanceCycling is the coach you’ve always wanted and needed. John Hughes and Daniel Kehlenbach have taken the best and most current information about training, diet, safety, technique, and mental preparation and applied it to all cyclists yearning to go farther and faster.”
Muffy Ritz -- Three-Time RAAM Runner-Up, Former Member of U.S. Ski Team
“With Distance Cycling, Hughes and Kehlenbach have created an important, accessible tool of self-knowledge and empowerment for the motivated endurance cyclist.”
Chris Fisher, ForeWord magazine
"My good friend, and ultracycling guru, John Hughes, has produced the ultimate book on what a cyclist needs to know when considering a ride of more than 100 miles."
Ken Bonner--Veteran ultracyclist and member of Randonneurs USA, UltraMarathon Cycling Association, and BC Randonneurs Cycling Club
"Distance Cycling has great information on conditioning and nutrition, and it's full of detailed week-by-week cycling training programs for various distance goals. Best of all, it's written in an enjoyable, easy-to-read style. Without a doubt, it's the best book I've read on long-distance cycling."
Dan Wallace--Veteran ultracyclist and member of the UltraMarathon Cycling Association and Randonneurs USA