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Triathlon 101 2nd Edition PDF

Author: John M. Mora

$18.95 USD

$18.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492577768


Page Count: 200

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Triathlon 101 helped thousands of athletes take the guesswork out of multisport training and racing. Now, this best-seller returns, updated with more top-notch information and solidifying its status as the essential guide for multisport success.

In this new edition, you'll learn these techniques and strategies:

  • Choose the best equipment for your goals, terrain, and budget.
  • Create your own triathlon program for various distances and events.
  • Know how, when, and what to eat and drink when training or competing.
  • Prevent overtraining and recover from common injuries.
  • Swim and navigate in open water.
  • Smoothly and quickly transition from one leg of the race to the next.
  • Taper your training for peak performance on race day.
Sample training programs, the latest recommendations on equipment, correct technique, and expert advice from pros and coaches Terry Laughlin, Lauren Jensen, and Troy Jacobson will help you improve your skills and times in every event.

Spare yourself the trial-and-error experiences that can lead to injury or discouraging results. Be a smart triathlete from the start. For developing multisport athletes, the best course available is Triathlon 101.

Part I. Getting Ready to Tri
Chapter 1. So You Wanna Tri?
Chapter 2. Planning to Race
Chapter 3. Getting the Right Stuff

Part II. Triathlon Training Basics
Chapter 4. Swim Training: The Key Is Technique
Chapter 5. Bike Training: Putting in the Distance
Chapter 6. Run Training: Putting One Foot in Front of the Other
Chapter 7. Training for All Three

Part III. Tri-Ing Your Best
Chapter 8. Fueling Up for Triathlon
Chapter 9. Staying Healthy
Chapter 10. Peaking to Race
Chapter 11. Nailing the Big Day
Chapter 12. Tri, Tri Again

Appendix. Blank Training Grids

A competing triathlete since 1988, John Mora is a renowned fitness author who has published more than 500 articles. He is a member of USA Triathlon and has participated in almost 200 running, cycling, and swimming events, including marathons, sprint triathlons, and the Ironman competition. Author of the first edition of Triathlon 101, Mora engages and entertains readers while they prepare for their first or next triathlon.

Mora is the running columnist and triathlon feature writer for Windy City Sports as well as a former contributing editor to Triathlete. His articles have also been featured in many national magazines, including American Health, Women's Sports & Fitness, and Runner's World.

When not writing or training, Mora enjoys recreational cycling and tennis. He resides in Plainfield, Illinois.

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