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Overtraining from a Functional Health Perspective

Ian Craig ©2017
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This webinar analyzed Overtraining Syndrome (OTS) from an exercise physiology perspective. It also looked at the importance that training load, sleep quality and stress management has on an athlete’s performance/development.

It looked at the influence Functional Medicine, such as the Adrenal Stress Index, assessments of Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) and mitochondrial assessments can have in testing for OTS.

Learning outcomes of this webinar:

The aim of this webinar was to provide academics, students, physiologists, sports scientists, health professionals and nutritionists with insights of how to spot and adequately manage Overtraining Syndrome (OTS) for the benefit of an athlete’s health and physical performance.

This webinar allows attendees to:

  • Review OTS from an exercise physiology perspective
  • Explore the endocrine and nervous system imbalances of adrenal fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Understand how mitochondria disruption can lead to a state of chronic fatigue
  • Have a working list of restorative lifestyle practices for the recovery from OTS
  • Understand some nutritional and nutraceutical practices for the recovery from OTS

Presenter Profile:

Ian Craig is an exercise physiologist, nutritional therapist, NLP practitioner and an endurance coach. He was a competitive middle-distance runner for 20 years and is now a more leisurely runner and cyclist. Ian specializes in Functional Sports Nutrition (FSN), a fast-evolving discipline that considers both health and performance of an athlete from an integrative health perspective. He is the editor of Functional Sports Nutrition magazine and is conference leader of Sports Nutrition Live. Additionally, Ian runs a private nutritional therapy practice in Johannesburg.