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Cultivating Mutual Trust and Cohesion on Teams

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Effective coach leadership results in quality relationships based on mutual trust. When athletes and coaches have trust and confidence in each other, they can focus their efforts on optimizing performance instead of being plagued by doubts and fears. The purpose of this webinar is to present strategies used by successful coaches to nurture trust and cohesion with their athletes that lead to increased enjoyment, satisfaction and performance.

Webinar outline

  • Understanding how quality relationships lead to optimal performance (what the science of coach-athlete and teammate relationships tells us about high performing coaches and teams) 
  • Strategies for building and sustaining quality relationships with your athletes (specific examples from successful coaches of how to build trusting relationships with athletes) 
  • Strategies for helping your athletes learn how to build and sustain quality relationships with each other (specific examples from successful coaches of how to build a culture of respect, open communication and team cohesion)

Dr. Gilbert's areas of expertise include coaching science, talent development, sport and exercise psychology, physical education, and youth sport. He holds degrees in Physical Education, Human Kinetics, and Education from the University of Ottawa in Canada. Following graduation from the University of Ottawa, Wade worked for one year at UCLA in the International Center for Talent Development. Gilbert has more than 20 years of experience in conducting applied research with partners around the world spanning all competitive levels, from youth leagues to World Cup.

He is widely published and is frequently invited to serve as a featured speaker at national and international events. Dr. Gilbert has advised organizations ranging from school districts, collegiate teams, Olympic organizations, and the United Nations on coaching education and sport-related issues.

Dr. Gilbert is editor-in-chief of the International Sport Coaching Journal, a new journal published by Human Kinetics. In addition, Dr. Gilbert serves as an advisor and representative of Human Kinetics, specifically in the area of coach education.

Led by renowned coaching education expert Dr. Wade Gilbert, "Cultivating Mutual Trust and Cohesion on Teams" is the third in a series of three leadership-focused webinars designed to help coaches understand what motivates them as coaches, how to draw the best out of their athletes, and how to build team cohesion.

To view recordings of the previous two webinars in the series, click on the links below.

Demonstrating Core Values and Clear Purpose in Coaching

The purpose of this webinar is to share examples of how successful coaches identify, articulate, and use their purpose and core values to create a strong foundation for leadership.

Putting Athlete’s Interests First for More Powerful Coaching

Leadership styles in coaching are as diverse as the coaches themselves, yet a review of the research and coaching literature shows that the most effective coaches adopt an athlete-centered leadership style. The purpose of this webinar is to discuss how successful coaches apply athlete-centered leadership styles such as transformational, servant, and altruistic leadership approaches.