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Coaching Athletes to Perform at Their Mental Peak

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No two athletes are the same in their mental and emotional states, and those differences can be even more pronounced just prior to and during competition. Providing the right amount of instructive detail and inspiration just before the event starts, along with the content and manner of a coaches’ communication throughout the competition, will impact each athlete’s ability to find their peak performance zone. This webinar will share coaching methods and techniques that ensure athletes are functioning at their mental and emotional peak when it counts. 

Webinar takeaways 

  • How to help athletes find their individual zone of optimal functioning
  • Strategies for helping athletes relax or ‘psych up’ before the game
  • Guidelines for effective pre-game speeches and individual “pep talks”
  • Effective measures for building and sustaining athlete confidence during competitions  

Dr. Gilbert’s areas of expertise include coaching science, talent development, sport and exercise psychology, physical education, and youth sport. He holds degrees in Physical Education, Human Kinetics, and Education from the University of Ottawa in Canada. Following graduation from the University of Ottawa, Wade worked for one year at UCLA in the International Center for Talent Development. Gilbert has more than 20 years of experience in conducting applied research with partners around the world spanning all competitive levels, from youth leagues to World Cup.

He is widely published and is frequently invited to serve as a featured speaker at national and international events. Dr. Gilbert has advised organizations ranging from school districts, collegiate teams, Olympic organizations, and the United Nations on coaching education and sport-related issues.

Dr. Gilbert is editor-in-chief of the International Sport Coaching Journal, a new journal published by Human Kinetics. In addition, Dr. Gilbert serves as an advisor and representative of Human Kinetics, specifically in the area of coach education.

Game Winning Webinar Series

This fall Dr. Wade Gilbert, a highly sought out coaching and athlete performance consultant to sport organizations around the world, will be conducting three can’t-miss webinars. Each of the hour-long sessions will include several very practical, immediate things coaches can do to gain a winning edge for their teams. Gilbert, also known as Coach Doc on Human Kinetics’ website and consultant to many sports organizations around the world, plans to focus on three aspirations coaches have for achieving success:

* Coaching Athletes to Perform at Their Mental Peak

* Coaching Your Best in Competition

* Raising the Performance Bar Through the Season


Coaches who are able to consistently achieve all three are, indeed, going to have winning, if not championship-winning athletes and teams. Every coach who joins in this webinar series is sure to be a winner, too.