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Teaching Tip: Becoming More Aware of Our Thoughts

By Clare Guss-West, Director of the Dance & Creative Wellness Foundation


For most of us, shifting attention in dance is like learning a new language that becomes more familiar with practice. Even just becoming aware of where you place your attention, of your distractions, of how you split your focus or talk to yourself whilst you dance is already half of the journey.



Learn more from Clare Guss-West in her book, Attention and Focus in Dance. 



Clare Guss-West

Trained as a classical and contemporary dancer and musician, Clare began choreographing with American composer Philip Glass and was resident choreographer and director at English National Opera. She has done productions for Lyric Opera of Chicago, Los Angeles Opera, Seattle Opera, San Francisco Opera and Ballet, Dutch National Opera and Ballet, Royal Opera House, BBC Proms and Opéra de Paris.