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Review of Understanding the Pelvis

By Bethany Bentley, Human Kinetics


What are others thinking about Understanding the Pelvis, a book dedicated to improve yoga practice to lead to greater performance for athletes, dancers, and other artists? In a review published in the Journal of Dance Medicine and Science (Volume 24, Number 4, December 2020) Gigi Berardi, dance critic and writer, wrote:


“Rather than focusing on anatomy per se, the authors use it as an imagery tool to focus the brain and body. They advocate for a ‘deeper practice…going beyond doingness and residing in beingness.’ This beautifully illustrated text will be highly useful for both educators and students.”


Read the full review.


Bethany Bentley

Bethany has built her career at Human Kinetics, focusing most recently on acquiring products in dance and health education. Outside of work, she enjoys biking, running, and reading. She also enjoys spending time with her family.