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  • The Big Bang Workout

    The Big Bang Workout

    Plyometric exercises are an excellent way of utilizing the stretch-shortening cycle to develop athletic performance. The stretch-shortening cycle is defined as an active stretch of a muscle followed by an...

  • Dumbbells are the heart of any home gym

    Dumbbells are the heart of any home gym

    Dumbbells are the heart of any home gym. They confer several other advantages that can't be derived from other exercise modalities, including the following qualities: Improved muscular balance. After nearly...

  • Bodyweight exercises for core strength

    Bodyweight exercises for core strength

    Using only your body weight can be an extremely effective strategy for strengthening your core muscles. The movement-based exercises should be performed at a steady pace under control in order...

  • Kettlebell exercises for metabolic conditioning

    Kettlebell exercises for metabolic conditioning

    Even though they have experienced a surge in popularity in recent years, kettlebells have been used for many years in strength training and metabolic conditioning because the movements are easy...

  • Sandbag exercises for metabolic conditioning

    Sandbag exercises for metabolic conditioning

    Like a medicine ball, a sandbag helps improve the strength of both muscle and elastic connective tissues because you can move a sandbag in multiple directions as opposed to moving...