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Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping for Injury Prevention and Common Medical Conditions-3rd Edition, A

Author: John Gibbons

$21.95 USD

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$21.95 USD
$21.95 USD

ISBN: 9781718227019


Page Count: 104

Bodymaster Method creator John Gibbons is recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities in sports medicine. In A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping for Injury Prevention and Common Medical Conditions, Third Edition, he shares his wealth of knowledge and experience to help you get the best results when using kinesiology tape. This third edition offers self-help techniques to allow the patient to self-treat, where appropriate.

The author guides you, step by step, through the entire process of taping by first marking an area of dysfunction, then preparing and cutting tape, followed by application with variants for specific problems. The chapters are designed as a practical guide, with pictorial demonstrations, on the application of tape to treat each individual area of pain and dysfunction. The author gives a few examples of injuries common to each area of pain and the subsequent variations in taping applications.

This book highlights over 60 specific areas of pain that are identified through illustrations that have actually been drawn onto photos of the body. Also included are over 40 QR codes linking to YouTube clips of practical demonstrations of the key techniques.

This book is everything you need to know about how taping works.


Physical therapists, athletic trainers, and professionals working with people with sports-related injuries. Reference for athletes who wish to learn more about kinesiology taping.

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