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FitnessGram Administration Manual 5th Edition With Web Resource

The Journey to MyHealthyZone

$46.00 USD

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Paperback With Online Resource
$46.00 USD

ISBN: 9781450470469


Page Count: 136

The best just got better.

FitnessGram is the gold standard for assessing the health-related fitness and activity levels of youths. The Cooper Institute has updated the FitnessGram Administration Manual with new material to ensure that FitnessGram is the most comprehensive and informative program that can drive meaningful behavior change and set up children for a healthy future.

The fifth edition of FitnessGram Administration Manual: The Journey to MyHealthyZone offers K-12 teachers two primary assessment resources that allow them to produce individualized reports for each student in their class. FitnessGram provides a complete battery of health-related fitness assessments that are scored using criterion-referenced Healthy Fitness Zone® standards. The standards are age and sex specific and are based on how fit children need to be for health.

New to this fifth edition:

• Audio of cadences and videos and photos for test protocols, making it easier for you to administer tests

• A chapter on communicating with stakeholders (students, parents, faculty and staff, administrators, and the community)

• A chapter on data mining and using data to inform your instruction and help you make sound curricular decisions

• A design that enhances your ease in using the material and administering the tests

You will learn how to administer the tests, interpret the results, and provide feedback to your students on their results. FitnessGram Administration Manual also offers a web resource that includes video clips that demonstrate the assessments; audio for the PACER, curl-up, and push-up tests; and reproducible forms.

Through FitnessGram, you can assess children’s fitness in these areas:

• Aerobic capacity

• Muscle strength

• Muscular endurance

• Flexibility

• Body composition

Several test options are provided for most of those areas; one test item is recommended.

As a FitnessGram user you also have access to everything the Presidential Youth Fitness Program has to offer. The Presidential Youth Fitness Program helps physical educators assess, track, and recognize youth fitness and physical activity. Through this program you are also provided with the following:

• Instructional strategies for promoting student physical activity and fitness

• Communication tools to help physical educators increase awareness about their work in the classroom

• Options for recognizing fitness and physical activity achievements

This latest version of the FitnessGram Administration Manual: The Journey to MyHealthyZone is your guide to conducting the test protocols, recording the data, interpreting the results, and sharing those results in ways that will encourage students to be physically active and adopt healthy behaviors throughout their lives.


Resource for K-12 physical educators and undergraduate physical education teaching methods courses.

Part I Introduction to FitnessGram and ActivityGram

Chapter 1. Mission, Goals, and Philosophy of the FitnessGram Program


Chapter 2. Fitness Education and Assessment Guidelines

Assessment Options for Fitness Education

Effective and Appropriate Use of FitnessGram and ActivityGram Assessments in Physical Education

Recommended Approaches for Program Evaluation

The Fitness Education Process Step by Step

Physical Education Resources to Support Use of FitnessGram

Chapter 3. Promoting Physical Activity

Importance of Promoting Physical Activity in Physical Education

Physical Activity Guidelines

Concepts for School Physical Activity Promotion

The Youth Physical Activity Promotion Model

Applying the Youth Physical Activity Promotion Model

Reinforcement (Recognition and Motivation)

Part II FitnessGram Assessment Model

Chapter 4. Communicating With Stakeholders

Strategies for Communicating the Fitness Education Process

Communicating With Students

Communicating With Parents

Communicating With Faculty and Staff

Communicating With Administrators

Communicating With the Community

Chapter 5. FitnessGram Test Administration

Importance of Reliable Scores

Considerations for Testing Primary Grades

Considerations for Testing Secondary Students

Considerations for Safety

Testing of Large Groups or Classes

Test Items

Considerations for Testing Student With Disabilities

Software Exemptions for Students

Chapter 6. Aerobic Capacity

Overview of the FitnessGram Aerobic Capacity Standards

Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run, PACER

One-Mile Run

Walk Test

Chapter 7. Body Composition

Overview of the FitnessGram Body Composition Standards

<cona2>Body Mass Index

Portable Bioelectric Impedance Analyzers

Skinfold Measurements

Chapter 8. Muscular Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility

Abdominal Strength and Endurance


Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility

Trunk Lift

Upper-Body Strength and Endurance

90° Push-Up

Modified Pull-Up

Flexed Arm Hang


Back-Saver Sit-and-Reach

Shoulder Stretch

Chapter 9. FitnessGram Physical Activity Questions

Description of Activity Assessment


Chapter 10. Interpreting FitnessGram Results

Derivation of Criterion-Referenced Standards

Influence of Body Size and Maturity on Fitness

Interpreting Performance on Physical Fitness Assessments

Chapter 11. Understanding and Using FitnessGram Data

Using Formative and Summative Assessments with FitnessGram

Use of FitnessGram Data with Students

Use of FitnessGram Data with Teachers

Use of FitnessGram Data with Parents

Use of FitnessGram Data with Administration

Part III ActivityGram Assessment Module

Chapter 12. ActivityGram Administration

Description of ActivityGram

ActivityGram Administration

ActivityGram Lite (Youth Activity Profile)

Chapter 13. Interpreting and Using ActivityGram Results

Providing Feedback to Children on ActivityGram

Limitations of the ActivityGram Assessment

Interpreting ActivityGram Lite (Youth Activity Profile) Results

Using Data from Physical Activity Assessments

The Cooper Institute is dedicated to promoting lifelong health and wellness worldwide through research and education. Founded by Kenneth H. Cooper, MD, MPH, The Cooper Institute translates the latest scientific findings into proactive solutions that improve population health. Key areas of focus are research, advocacy, adult education, and youth programs. Through these initiatives, The Cooper Institute will continue to help people lead better, longer lives now and well into the future. For more information, visit

FitnessGram assesses youth health-related fitness and delivers personalized reports to students and parents. Developed by The Cooper Institute, FitnessGram was adopted by the Presidential Youth Fitness Program in 2012 and is used in schools nationwide. It serves as a student-centered assessment, reporting, and educational tool used in promoting health, fitness, and activity in children.

The book includes a web resource with video clips; audio for cadences in PACER, curl-up, and push-up tests; and reproducible forms.

All ancillary materials for this text are free to course adopters and available online at

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Luis Barros
Good Book and Poor web resource

Book with a good content, but a web resource that do not help teachers - simple PDF.