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Athlete's Guide to Diabetes Online CE Exam With Ebook, The

Author: Human Kinetics

$70.00 USD

Online Exam With Ebook
$70.00 USD
Online Exam Without Book
$60.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718226777


Approved Credits:

ACE 0.90ACSM 9.00AEA 9.00AFPA 9.00BCRPA 9.50BOC 8.00canfitpro 4.00CAO 3.00CAS 3.00CATA 3.60CFES 9.00CKA 9.00Contact Hours 9.00COPSKT 0.90CSEP 5.00FNB 9.00ISSA 9.00NASN 0.90NCHEC 9.00NCSF 4.50NETA 9.00NFPT 1.80NSCA 0.90NSFA 9.00NSPA 9.00OFC 9.00PROPTA 3.00PTBC 0.90SKESA 10.00SPRA 9.00
This package includes the following:
  • The Athlete’s Guide to Diabetes ebook
  • Online continuing education exam
Whether you’re working with recreational exercisers or competitive athletes, The Athlete’s Guide to Diabetes has the training and performance advice you need to help your clients remain active while effectively managing their type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Renowned researcher and diabetes expert Dr. Sheri Colberg offers best practices and tips for managing blood glucose levels for athletes of all ages. Adhering to the latest guidelines from trusted sources, including the American Diabetes Association and the American College of Sports Medicine, she provides the most up-to-date information on
  • insulin and other medications and their effects on exercise,
  • nutritional practices and supplements, including low-carbohydrate eating,
  • the latest technologies used to manage glucose, including continuous glucose monitoring (CGM),
  • injury prevention and treatment as well as tactics for diabetes-related joint issues, and
  • mental strategies for maximizing performance and optimizing health.
You’ll get real-world insights from 15 profiles of athletes with type 1 diabetes who share their accomplishments and how they manage medications, food intake, and other tools available to manage their activities with diabetes. Guidelines for 165 different sports and activities will reduce trial and error when it comes to enabling your clients to perform and feel their best during fitness activities, endurance sports, endurance–power sports, power sports, and outdoor activities.

After reading the ebook, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Summarize the types of exercise training that adults with diabetes should engage in.
  • Explain the importance of different types of physical activity to diabetes management.
  • Describe the basics of energy systems and how exercise metabolism is altered by diabetes.
  • List the types of medications prescribed to manage blood glucose and describe their impact on activity.
  • Understand dietary practices related to exercise and alterations for people with diabetes.
  • Recognize the emerging role of technologies in diabetes exercise management.
  • Assess the safety and effectiveness of exercise by those with diabetes-related health complications.
  • Predict the mind-set of an athlete with diabetes that will lead to success.
  • List the most common athletic injuries and how to prevent or avoid them.
  • Explain the changes to diabetes regimens (diet, insulin) that may be needed during physical activity.
  • Summarize the usual practices of active individuals with diabetes who engage in a variety of fitness, endurance, power-endurance, power, and recreational sports activities.


Strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers, athletic trainers, and other certified fitness professionals.

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