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Live Well: Middle School Health banner

The Live Well middle school text helps students discover fundamentals of health and wellness and learn how to apply these throughout their life span. Allowing for skill development, each lesson has a particular skill focus. In addition to the hardcover student text, Live Well: Middle School Health features web-based resources including an interactive web text as well as state-of-the-art teacher ancillaries delivered online through HKPropel. Explore this page to learn more about everything the middle school program has to offer and how to tailor the program to meet your local needs.

Live Well: Middle School Health book cover

See a detailed description of the book, table of contents, and author bios.

Screen capture from Interactive Web Text

The Live Well Middle School Health Interactive Web Text is available to schools that adopt the textbook, either as a standalone or in combination with the hardcover text.

Graphic shows a Sample Lesson Presentation

In this recorded presentation, authors Karen McConnell and Terri Farrar discuss how you can apply an integrated approach to teaching health that addresses knowledge, skill, and skill development.

Correlations US map

View or download documents showing correlations to state (and national) health education standards for students in grades 6-8.

Graphic with a banner that reads Excerpts

Read excerpts from the text.

Graphic that reads Reproductive and Sexual Health Interactive Web Text

See a detailed description of this additional resource.

Tailor the program to meet local needs

Contact your K-12 sales representative to discuss how the Live Well School Health Program can be configured to meet the health education needs of your community.

Call 855-473-7345 or email


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