What is Integrative Sports Nutrition?
Ian Craig ©2017
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Integrative Sports Nutrition is a way of working with an athlete via the tools of Functional Medicine and Nutritional Therapy.
The aim of this webinar was to provide academics, students, physiologists, sports scientists, health professionals and nutritionists with an introduction of how to work with their physiological knowledge of an athlete’s body to improve their state of functional health, which is ultimately required to reach peak levels of performance.
Learning Outcomes of This Webinar:
The aim of this webinar was to provide academics, students, physiologists, sports scientists, health professionals and nutritionists with an introduction of how to work with their physiological knowledge of an athlete’s body to improve their state of functional health, which is ultimately required to reach peak levels of performance.
This webinar allows attendees to:
- Understand a deeper (functional) way of working with food for the outcome of an athlete’s improved health
- Appreciate the importance of nourishing an athlete’s health systems if athletic performance is the end goal
- See how genetics and individuality can be woven into the clinical picture
- Question macronutrient ratios and nutrient timing practices required for each individual athlete
- Understand the term ‘conditionally ergogenic’ with respect to a particular athlete’s nutrient needs at any one time
- Recognize that one-size-fits-all does not work
About the Presenter:
Ian Craig is an exercise physiologist, nutritional therapist, NLP practitioner and an endurance coach. He was a competitive middle-distance runner for 20 years and is now a more leisurely runner and cyclist. Ian specializes in Functional Sports Nutrition, a fast-evolving discipline that considers both health and performance of an athlete from an integrative health perspective. He is the editor of Functional Sports Nutrition magazine and is conference leader of Sports Nutrition Live. Additionally, Ian runs a private nutritional therapy practice in Johannesburg.

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