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Training and Nutrition for Optimal Muscle Development

Len Kravitz, PhD ©2005
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In Training and Nutrition for Optimal Muscle Development, Dr. Kravitz discusses acute program variables for muscle development, appropriate training volumes, determinants of muscle hypertrophy, repetition zones, fueling muscles for optimal growth, and the unique undulating periodization training system.

Webinar Objectives

  • Discuss the latest research on muscular development including the general adaptation syndrome and acute program variables.
  • Outline the ultramodern approach to combining resistance exercise with nutrition for optimal muscle development, including fueling for muscle growth; protein needs; and pre-, during-, and postexercise nutrition.
  • Understand state-of-the-art periodization programming.
  • Explain optimal repetition zones.
  • Discuss new exercise progression techniques.
  • Outline an integrated method for strength training and nutrition for optimal muscle development.

"I really enjoyed taking this course from Dr. Len Kravitz. He’s dynamic!"

L. Sisson—Cave Junction, OR

"This is a great information exchange and a wonderful webinar! I gained information on the GAS approach, the importance of changing the stimulus frequently, and multiple exercise versus multiple set. I now have a better understanding in order to help clients achieve their fitness goals by using the undulating periodization."

S. Johnson—Gilbert, AZ

"I have a greater knowledge about the carbohydrate periodization and the affirmation that simply not taking in enough calories and carbohydrate makes it impossible to build muscle quickly."

Z. Teich—Scottsdale, PA

"I learned current information on periodization, particularly as it relates to protein, carbohydrate, and fat intake on a daily basis."

G. Staples Keller—Cordova, TN

Len Kravitz, PhD, is the program coordinator of exercise science and a researcher at the University of New Mexico, where he won the Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award. Len was honored as the 2009 Canadian Fitness Professional Specialty Presenter of the Year Award and chosen as the American Council on Exercise 2006 Fitness Educator of the Year. He has received the prestigious Canadian Fitness Professional Lifetime Achievement Award and the Aquatic Exercise Association 2010 Global Award.