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The Science and Application of High-Intensity Interval Training

Paul Laursen ©2019
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In this webinar, Paul Laursen discusses the content described in his book, Science and Application of High Intensity Interval Training, which he co-authored with Martin Buchheit. Beginning with the history and traditional methods of high intensity interval training (HIIT), the webinar will describe the philosophy the authors take for determining any training prescription. That begins with appreciating the physiological targets of HIIT, how HIIT format can be manipulated to form weapons we can use to hit our physiological targets, how to fine tune our HIIT weapons, how to merge strength training appropriately, appreciating the stress of HIIT and its impact on athlete health, and finally quantifying HIIT stress load and its individual response.

Paul B. Laursen, PhD, is an endurance coach, a sport scientist, and an adjunct professor for Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand. He earned his doctorate in exercise physiology from the University of Queensland, was formerly the physiology manager for High Performance Sport New Zealand, and now resides in British Columbia, Canada.

Laursen is well known throughout the international sport and strength and conditioning communities for his knowledge and research of high-intensity interval training. His other interests include health, longevity, heart rate variability, thermoregulation, and artificial intelligence application to training. He has published more than 125 peer-reviewed manuscripts in exercise and sport science journals; his publications with coauthor Martin Buchheit are among the most cited. He is an active endurance athlete, having completed 18 Ironman triathlons.