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The importance of well-developed physical qualities for rugby players

Rich Johnston ©2016
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This webinar explores the literature regarding the influence physical qualities may have on match activities and post-match fatigue in rugby league players. It covers which match activities contribute to success, whether physical qualities influence selection and match activities, as well as the potential protective effect physical qualities can have on fatigue responses to competition. This webinar draws on current research from rugby league as well as other football codes.

Learning Outcomes of the Webinar:

Attendees will leave the presentation with a clear idea of the importance of physical qualities for success and how best to develop players that are likely to deliver successful performances during rugby match-play and other contact sports alike.

Presenter Profile:

Rich Johnston works as a lecturer in applied sport science at Australian Catholic University. He has a strong research background with numerous publications in peer reviewed journals. Aside from his academic experience, Rich has worked in the field for a number of years and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for Norths Devils RLFC, and has previously worked with Queensland Rugby League, and Heart of Midlothian FC as a sport scientist.