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The Emotional Athlete: Applying Emotional Theory in Coaching

Jeffrey Huber, PhD ©2014
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In this free hour-long webinar, Jeff Huber, renowned former diving coach, professor of psychology, and author of Applying Educational Psychology in Coaching Athletes, discusses the psychological aspects of emotions and how coaches and athletes can harness emotions to achieve high level performance when it matters most.

This webinar will help those who teach, practice, and aspire to be great coaches learn to:

  • Recognize the role of emotions in sport performance.
  • Understand emotional predispositions of athletes and how to maintain or recapture optimal emotions.
  • Help athletes make accurate reflective appraisals of their performances and handle emotional challenges.
  • Lead with emotional control and balance.

A collegiate coach for 37 years, Dr. Huber has been the recipient of the Big Ten, NCAA, USA, and USOC National Coach of the Year awards. Huber was named USA National Coach of the Year for the 13th time in 2013 and has served as U.S. coach for the Sydney (2000), Athens (2004), and Beijing (2008) Olympic Games. Dr. Huber is currently Professor of Practice in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University where he teaches Introductory Psychology and Psychology of Human Performance. He has also taught Educational Psychology for Teachers and Motor Learning, as well as guest lectured for Theories of High Level Performance, Exercise Science, and Philosophical Foundations of Coaching.