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Psychosocial considerations in sports injury risk and prevention

Adam Gledhill ©2018
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With sports injuries having a significant impact on individual and team performance and health, understanding factors which may cause, and strategies which may prevent, sports injuries is of paramount importance to practitioners. This webinar provided an overview of psychological characteristics that are commonly identified as risk factors in sports injuries and some of the associated potential mechanisms. The second part of the webinar progressed to examining the potential role of psychological interventions in sports injury prevention, offering a critical commentary on the available evidence to date, and attempting to answer the question of: “which interventions ‘work’?”. Finally, the webinar will close with offering some future research directions within the area.

Learning Outcomes of the Webinar:

  • Know the commonly psychological risk factors in sports injury occurrence
  • Understand the potential associated mechanisms
  • Understand the effectiveness of psychological interventions in sports injury prevention
  • Understand the volume, type and quality of evidence available within this domain.

Adam Gledhill

Adam is the Course Director for Undergraduate Sport and Exercise Science at Leeds Beckett University. He currently teaches in the areas of Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology, Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Strength and Conditioning, and Psychology of Sports Injury and Rehabilitation. Adam has held previous applied roles, including being a former Head of Sports Science in the FA Women’s Super League. He is the current Head of Psychosocial Development at a Tier 1 Football Association Girls' Regional Talent Club where he actively contributes to the interdisciplinary sports science support offered to talented and elite female youth football players.