How to build character, community, and a growth mindset in physical education
Leigh Anderson and Donald Glover
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In this webinar, Leigh Anderson and Donald Glover, authors of Building Character, Community and a Growth Mindset in Physical Education, discuss how to teach youth to be resilient kids of character all while facilitating a love for fitness. Maximizing the potential of students and athletes is the hope and dream of every teacher and coach. Reaching one’s full potential, however requires sacrifice, perseverance and determination. The strategies presented in this webinar focus on the process of growth and the skills needed to overcome adversity, work in collaboration, and set and reach goals. Embracing the growth mindset and learning how to maintain an active, healthy life-styles will set youth up for success socially, emotionally and physically long after their experiences in school and athletics. We learn not for school, but for life.
Leigh Anderson currently teaches in White Bear Lake, Minnesota, where she applies many of the concepts in this book. In addition to her elementary classroom and intervention experience, Leigh taught at the graduate level in the masters of teaching and learning program at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. This is the second book that Leigh has coauthored dealing with best practices in education, and she has presented both nationally and internationally. Leigh holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction.
Donald R. Glover has taught physical education, including adapted physical education, since 1967 at the preschool, elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels. He currently teaches elementary physical education methods at the University of Wisconsin at River Falls.
In 1981, Glover was recognized as Minnesota’s Teacher of the Year, and he was named the Minnesota Adapted Physical Education Teacher of the Year in 1989. He has written seven books, published numerous magazine and journal articles on physical education and sport, and been a clinician at more than 100 workshops and clinics.
Glover earned his master’s degree in physical education from Winona State University in 1970. A former president of the Minnesota Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, he is a member of SHAPE America, the National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), and the Minnesota Education Association.

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