Helping Your Students Become Their Physical Best
National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) ©2011
Human Kinetics, in conjunction with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), offered a free webinar entitled “Helping Your Students Become Their Physical Best.”
The third editions of Physical Education for Lifelong Fitness: The Physical Best Teacher’s Guide, the Physical Best Activity Guide: Elementary Level, and the Physical Best Activity Guide: Middle and High School Levels were highlighted and explored by the editors in this webinar.
NASPE’s Physical Best program is an effective and proven tool in implementing health-related physical activity for K-12 students. This program gets students active and keeps them active for a lifetime. Physical Best emphasizes personal responsibility and provides educational progressions that help students take ownership of their health-related fitness.
The Physical Best Teacher’s Guide: thirdedition editors, Mary Jo Sariscsany and Suzan Ayers:
- covered the importance of health-related fitness and the Physical Best program,
- shared new content and concepts from the 3rd edition Physical Best resources, and
- discussed training options available through Physical Best.
About the National Association for Sport and Physical Education
The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), a nonprofit professional organization, is an association of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. NASPE is dedicated to educating the general public about the importance of physical education for all young people. Through its members as well as corporate and public partnerships, NASPE develops and supports sport and physical activity programs that promote healthy behaviors and individual well-being. NASPE’s 20,000 members include K-12 physical educators, college and university faculty, researchers, coaches, athletic directors, and trainers.

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