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Design and control of resistance training workout using load, velocity power and the rate of perceived exertion

Fernando Naclerio ©2013
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The quantification and control of resistance training variables: intensity, volume and/or frequency and their relationship to training goals (increasing strength, power, and muscular hypertrophy or muscular endurance), is essential to have an accurate exercise prescription. One of the most important variables to consider is exercise intensity. However, this variable has been traditionally associated with the load (% 1 RM). Considering that the effects of resistance training will be determined not only by the relative load but also by the velocity of the movements, controlling both factors (load and velocity) will be a key-strategy for designing effective resistance training programs. This webinar proposed a methodological and practical methodology for controlling the selecting training intensity involving the load and velocity. In addition, a more practical methodology using simple tools such as the RPE OMNI-RES (0-10) was proposed.

Learning Outcomes of the Webinar:

-To understand a broader concept of resistance training intensity involving load and velocity

-To design the resistance training session selecting the most appropriate resistance training zone/manifestation for each training goal

-To control resistance training intensity using velocity load or the rate of perceived exertion expressed by the ONY-RES (0-10) scale.

Presenter Profile:

Dr. Naclerio has a Doctorate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Physiology Department University of Leon (Spain) 2006.

Academic and research Focus: Sport Training and Nutrition for health and Sport Performance. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) since 1996. Over the past twenty eight years, he has been working as sports scientist with athletes, sports clubs and academic level. He has been involved as director and consultant for different fighting and team sports. He was a scientific consultant of Valencia Football Club (1999-2000) and the programme leader for the MSc Training and Sport Nutrition at Real Madrid International School, 2006-2011.