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Coaching Smart: Using Quality Research and Best Practices to Excel in Sport

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Exceptional coaches place a priority on professional development, reflection, and self-evaluation as means for improvement. View our free webinar “Coaching Smart: Using Quality Research and Best Practices to Excel in Sport,” and discover evidence-based strategies coaches can use to optimize their ongoing learning and professional development.

Led by Dr. Wade Gilbert, award-winning professor in the Department of Kinesiology at California State University, Fresno, and Human Kinetics advisor and representative in the area of coach education, the webinar explains how to access, evaluate, and utilize quality research and best practices – information that’s readily available – for improving coach performance. In addition, a framework for coach reflection – the primary driver of coach improvement – is presented with supporting examples of reflection strategies from successful coaches and teachers.

View the recorded webinar now!

Webinar outline

  • Informal and formal learning
  • Access points and resources providing quality coaching information (including the International Sport Coaching Journal; ISCJ)
  • Turning information into knowledge, and knowledge into best practices
  • Purpose and value of reflection
  • Coach reflection framework (in each of these sections will share examples from research, coaches, and teachers)

Wade’s Bio

Dr. Gilbert’s areas of expertise include coaching science, talent development, sport and exercise psychology, physical education, and youth sport. He holds degrees in Physical Education, Human Kinetics, and Education from the University of Ottawa in Canada.

Gilbert has more than 20 years of experience in conducting applied research with partners around the world spanning all competitive levels, from youth leagues to World Cup.

He is widely published and is frequently invited to serve as a featured speaker at national and international events. Dr. Gilbert has advised organizations ranging from school districts, collegiate teams, Olympic organizations, and the United Nations on coaching education and sport-related issues.

Dr. Gilbert is editor-in-chief of the International Sport Coaching Journal, a new journal published by Human Kinetics. In addition, Dr. Gilbert serves as an advisor and representative of Human Kinetics, specifically in the area of coach education.