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Coaching Evaluations in Education-based Athletics

Dr. David Hoch ©2014
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When defining “success” in education-based athletics, actions speak louder than words. School boards, principals, athletic directors, coaches, and parents are quick to cite such benefits as leadership, teamwork, accountability, perseverance, educational achievement, and community involvement that students derive from participating in high school sports. In contrast, these same benchmarks are often overlooked in the coach evaluation process, with most—if not all—of the emphasis placed on wins and losses.

“Coaching Evaluations in Education-based Athletics” provides school administrators and coaches with guidelines for creating coach evaluation systems that recognize and reward performance irrespective of the win-loss column and provide a blueprint for coach improvement.


Held in conjunction with Clell Wade Coaches Directory, the webinar features Dr. David Hoch, a former athletic director, association leader, and frequent contributor to coaching education publications. 


Dr. David Hoch is a former athletic director at Loch Raven High School in Towson, Maryland. He assumed this position in 2003 after nine years as director of athletics at Eastern Technological High School in Baltimore County. He has 24 years’ experience coaching basketball including 14 years on the collegiate level. Hoch, who has a doctorate in sports management from Temple University, is past president of the Maryland State Athletic Directors Association, and he formerly was president of the Maryland State Coaches Association. He has had more than 400 articles published in professional magazines and journals, as was a contributing author to Human Kinetics’ NIAAA’s Guide to Interscholastic Athletic Administration. Hoch also authored the book Blueprint for Better Coaching and is a member of the NFHS High School Today Publications Committee.