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Review of Promoting Elementary School Physical Activity

By Laurie P. Whitsel, Ph.D, FAHA, National Vice President-Policy Research and Translation of the American Heart Association

 MAY 2023

[Promoting Elementary School Physical Activity] provides specific, evidence-based resources for teachers and administrators to create a transformational, physically-active school environment that is essential for student learning and health and well-being. Physical activity is one important foundation for our children’s mental and physical health and requires a commitment across the school day, in transport to and from school, and in school/community partnerships.  At the local, state and national level, we have to prioritize policy and systems changes that purposefully integrate physical activity and fun movement for all kids. That’s a necessary commitment that policy makers, school and community leaders, funders, and the public and private sectors have to make for generations to come.  Promoting Elementary School Physical Activity is a key resource that will help make that commitment happen.


Lean more about Promoting Elementary School Physical Activity.


Promoting Elementary School Physical Activity