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Closing Activities Effectively

By Dr. Robert Pangrazi, Human Kinetics Author, Professor Emeritus ASU

JULY 2019


The closing activity ends the lesson with an evaluation of the day’s accomplishments—stressing and reinforcing the skills learned, revisiting performance techniques, and checking cognitive concepts. The closing activity may be a game using skills developed in the lesson focus or simply a low-organized game or activity children enjoy (see chapter 22 for a variety of games). If a lesson is demanding or spirited, focus closing activities on relaxing and winding down so that students can return to the classroom in a calmer state of mind. Taking a few minutes to relax may calm teachers and students and create goodwill between classroom teachers and physical education specialists.

The closing activity may be minimized or deleted entirely. If a game or activity is the lesson focus, you may need more time for instruction. Whether a game is played or not, avoid disciplining a class by suggesting, “We will not have a game if you don’t quiet down.” Closing activities are a useful part of the lesson and should not be used to bribe students to behave. Doing so may cause students to leave physical education classes with negative feelings. (An excerpt taken from Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children-19th Edition.)


Closing Activity: Red Light, Green Light Grades 3-4

Red light, green lightInstructions and video



Bob PangraziBob Pangrazi, PhD, taught for 31 years at Arizona State University in the department of exercise science and physical education and is now a professor emeritus. He is a best-selling author of numerous books and texts over the years, including multiple editions of Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School ChildrenThis text is made even more practical in release of the 19th edition with the free interactive website Dynamic PE ASAP