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Tabata workout

Try this workout from certified personal trainers and Human Kinetics Senior Acquisition Editors, Michelle Maloney and Roger Earle as they take you through a 20-minute Tabata workout that can be done with a partner or on your own.

Here is a breakdown of the workout:
1a. Shuffle down & back + burpee
1b. Alternate with partner doing squat jumps

2a. Superman
2b. Alternate with partner doing fast feet, wide stance

3a. Partner get-up (or a row if no partner)
3b. Bicycles with feet touching, arms in the air, shoulders off the floor (by yourself if no partner)

4a. Shuffle + med ball pass (move ball in and out if no partner)
4b. Overhead sit-ups with med ball

5a. Push-up and clap partner's hand (no clap if no partner)
5b. Pallof press with band or rope in-between (secure the band at one end if no partner)