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Chisel your chest workout 1

This 8-week program is made up of two monster workouts (see other workout here); one made it into an issue of Men's Health. You can treat each 4-week phase as a separate protocol and even go for the elite version if you like. Just to be able to do either one of these protocols with little to no rest between each exercise is an accomplishment. This strategy of metabolic chest training even has some solid research behind it as well. Dr. Rhadi Ferguson presented his findings on a 3-week version of this protocol for his PhD dissertation (Ferguson, Rhadi. 2009. Use of the medicine ball super arms protocol on the National Football League's 225-lb repetition-to-failure bench press test: Analysis of effects. A dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree doctor of philosophy. Capela University), showing a 5.2% increase in the 225 lb (102 kg) bench-press-to-failure in elite football players in 3 weeks, without lifting a weight! The tempo is very fast, approximately 1-2 repetitions per second, so the entire protocol is done in about 50-60 sec. Weeks 1 and 2 will be enough for most people, while weeks 3 and 4 should be attempted only by elite athletes or individuals who have years of training behind them.