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Physical Education Project Based Learning from Home: Jumpnastics

By Chuck Corbin, Arizona State University

During the current coronavirus pandemic, many kids are home from school. The project based approach allows for a project that will increase activity at home and help students learn skills. This blog offers one activity, Jumpnastics, that can be done at home and could even be used as a school physical education project assignment. 

Performing moderate to vigorous physical activity during the evening helps reduce sedentary behavior and helps kids get some of the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity each day.  Project based learning (PBL) can be an effective means of engaging students in real life learning.

Jumpnastics was created in 1970 and was widely used in schools during the 70s and 80s. The skills and movements in Jumpnastics are easily learned and as much fun as they were 50 years ago. While most suitable for elementary school kids, Jumpnastics can be done by the whole family—especially during these times. The two-page Jumpnastics project sheet can be downloaded for free.

The video below provides information about PBL, including the Jumpnastics activity that help students and families to be physically active at home.



For physical education teachers, this can be used as a project assignment using these steps:

  1. Send an email and the project sheets to parents similar to this:
Dear Parent/Guardian
With this note I am including a project called Jumpnastics that your child can perform with some assistance from you. This is an assigned physical education project activity and a way to stay active during the coronavirus crisis. You can provide your child with the attached instructions, help as necessary, and submit a completed project video to me by _________ (two weeks?). This activity project can be spread out over time, allowing focus on the various aspects of the lesson: foot movements, arm movements, movements to music, performing a routine, and recording a routine. Help your child choose skills that are consistent with personal abilities and feel free to adapt the activity as needed. If you have questions, feel free to contact me. If this assignment poses a hardship, let me know and I can propose an alternative project.
Teacher Name
  1. Look over completed student projects and provide feedback. Offer alternatives to those requesting them.

Feel free to use the project sheets in alternate ways as you see fit. The Jumpnastics.pdf encourages children and their families to be active together in the evening. It also encourages children and their families to create and share a Jumpnastics video. After the coronavirus crisis, some of the routines could be performed in groups at school.

Learn more or purchase here.