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Unpacking Physical Education Standards Digital Resource

Ladders to Success

$39.00 USD

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$39.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718202788


Access Duration: 84 Months

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For physical educators who have struggled with complex and sometimes vague standards, Unpacking Physical Education Standards Digital Resource is an ideal tool.

The resource, created by three renowned veteran educators, translates state and national PE standards and grade-level outcomes into an easy-to-use, easy-to-understand format. The product offers PE and classroom teachers a series of performance indicators that are based on standards and that are easy to communicate to students and to parents, guardians, and caregivers.

The resource incorporates 16 ladder graphics that depict the skill progressions as rungs on a ladder. These ladder graphics can be printed and made into posters (to be posted, for example, in a gym, multipurpose room, or school hallway). Teachers will learn how to use the ladders to set goals and measure the progress and performance of students as they move through the progression of skills and physical activities. These ladders will also help teachers clearly communicate to parents and caregivers what their students are learning and how the skills and physical activities might be practiced in after-school, home, and community program settings.

In addition, Unpacking Physical Education Standards features approximately 25 photos and 6 video clips to show teachers and students the proper techniques for each skill to be assessed. Seeing proper form in action will help the students visualize what they need to do and facilitate the learning process. The skills they are learning provide the foundation for a lifetime of being active and all the benefits that come from a lifetime of physical activity.

This digital resource is a tremendous tool for physical educators and for parents and guardians who are educating their child in a homeschooling or remote learning situation. It can also be valuable for use in Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCAs, and other after-school programs. It is a valuable supplemental resource for PETE elementary methods courses and for elementary education majors.

For teachers who want a clear and simple breakdown of how to apply the PE standards to their programs—and effective ways to set goals, teach skills, and assess progress—Unpacking Physical Education Standards is the innovative tool they’ve been looking for.


Digital resource for undergraduate methods courses on teaching physical education. Reference for elementary physical education and classroom teachers.
Section I. Physical Education Standards and Ladders
Chapter 1. The Need for Unpacking Physical Education Standards
Chapter 2. Physical Education Standards and Grade-Level Competencies
Chapter 3. Why Ladders?
Chapter 4. How to Use the Ladders
Chapter 5. Pedagogy

Section II. Sports Ladders
Chapter 6. Kicking Ladder
Chapter 7. Soccer Dribbling Ladder
Chapter 8. Throwing Ladder
Chapter 9. Catching Ladder
Chapter 10. Basketball Dribbling Ladder
Chapter 11. Basketball Shooting Ladder
Chapter 12. Batting Ladder
Chapter 13. Racket (Paddle) Striking Ladder
Chapter 14. Golf Ladder
Chapter 15. Hockey Dribbling Ladder
Chapter 16. Punting Ladder

Section III. Fitness Ladders
Chapter 17. Planking Ladder
Chapter 18. Jumping Jack Ladder
Chapter 19. Jumping Rope Ladder
Chapter 20. Balancing Ladder

Section IV. Dance Ladder
Chapter 21. Electric Slide Ladder

Section V. Parting Thoughts

Appendix: Resources
George Graham, PhD, is an award-winning university professor and public school physical education instructor who was named to the NASPE Hall of Fame in 2007. He is the author of Teaching Children and Adolescents Physical Education, currently in its 4th edition, and Children Moving, currently in its 10th edition and used in more than 250 universities throughout the United States. Graham has spoken on the topic of positive physical education on CBS This Morning, CNN, and National Public Radio. He also has been cited in USA Today, Harvard Review, and the Washington Post.

Elizabeth (Liz) Strawn has been an elementary school physical education for more than 40 years. She has been recognized by many of her colleagues, college students, and administrators as a master teacher. She was featured in the videotapes of the American Master Teacher Program demonstrating many of the pedagogical skills used by effective physical educators. She has presented at state, regional, and national conferences on the topic of children’s physical education. She was also a regular contributor to PE Central.

Shawn Fortner recently retired after 30 years of teaching children’s physical education in and around Roanoke, Virginia. She is nationally board certified. She worked closely with the faculty at Virginia Tech as a model teacher and also worked regularly with practicum and student teachers. In addition to teaching, she was also a distance runner and track coach and a contributor to PE Central.
Shawn and Liz are both outstanding physical educators who have an enormous wealth of experience and knowledge about how to design and implement successful physical education programs. They are walking encyclopedias about how to successfully teach children, and their wisdom and insights are reflected throughout this book.

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