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Training and Conditioning Young Athletes 2nd Edition epub

$34.95 USD

$34.95 USD

ISBN: 9781718216150


Page Count: 304

Access Duration: 10 Years

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With more and more young athletes specializing in sport year-round, the need for an authoritative training guide has never been greater. Training and Conditioning Young Athletes, Second Edition, by world-renowned exercise scientist Tudor O. Bompa and his colleague Sorin O. Sarandan, addresses that need. It provides the blueprint for safely training young athletes to improve performance without hindering overall development and growth.

In this second edition, you’ll find proven science-based training programs for increasing strength, power, speed, agility, flexibility, and endurance. There are also more than 200 resistance training and conditioning exercises for six stages of youth training. These exercises take into account critical factors such as developmental stage, motor function, and sex-specific considerations.

Training and Conditioning Young Athletes, Second Edition, also provides clear recommendations about how to reduce the risk of injuries and keep athletes healthy. Practical nutrition advice, including recipes and meal plans, ensures proper fueling for training and competition, while an analysis of the energy systems used in 13 sports offers deeper insight into the programming and long-term training methodology.

As the most comprehensive resource available on the subject, Training and Conditioning Young Athletes, Second Edition, is a must-have resource for anyone working with these athletes. With its focus on long-term development, it will help you safely train and condition young athletes so they achieve to their potential.

Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education course and exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes all the course materials and exam.


Anyone working with young athletes and clients, especially strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, sport coaches, and parents.
Part I. Training Considerations
Chapter 1. Effects of Long-Term Training on Young Athletes
Chapter 2. Injuries and Injury Prevention
Chapter 3. Guidelines for Long-Term Training
Chapter 4. Stages of Long-Term Athletic Development

Part II. Nutrition and Energy System Training
Chapter 5. Nutrition Considerations
Chapter 6. Energy System Training for Sport
Chapter 7. Model Training for Team Sports

Part III. Training Methods
Chapter 8. Science-Based Strength Training Methodology
Chapter 9. Training Methods to Develop Strength and Power
Chapter 10. Training Methods to Develop Speed
Chapter 11. Training Methods to Develop Agility and Flexibility
Chapter 12. Training Methods to Develop Specific Endurance

Part IV. Selected Exercises for Strength, Power, Agility, Speed, and Flexibility
Exercise Finder
Tudor O. Bompa, PhD, revolutionized Western training methods when he introduced his groundbreaking theory of periodization in his native Romania in 1963. He has personally trained 11 Olympic medalists (including 4 gold medalists) and has served as a consultant to coaches and athletes worldwide.

Bompa’s books on training methods, including Periodization: Theory and Methodology of Training and Periodization of Strength Training for Sports, have been translated into 19 languages and used in more than 180 countries for training athletes and for educating and certifying coaches. Bompa has been invited to speak about training in 46 countries and has been awarded certificates of honor and appreciation from such prestigious organizations as the Ministry of Culture of Argentina, the Australian Sports Council, the Spanish Olympic Committee, the National Strength and Conditioning Association (2014 Alvin Roy Award for Career Achievement), and the International Olympic Committee.

A member of the Canadian Olympic Association and the Romanian National Council of Sports, Bompa is a professor emeritus of York University, where he began teaching training theories in 1981. In 2017, Bompa was awarded the honorary title of doctor honoris causa by the Polytechnic University of Timisoara.

Sorin O. Sarandan, PhD, is an assistant lecturer at Polytechnic University of Timisoara in Romania. He has worked as a conditioning coach since 2003 and currently serves as a conditioning coach at Sorin Sport & Fitness as well as the Municipal Sports Club in Timisoara. Sarandan has a master’s degree in sport management from West University of Timisoara and a PhD in mechanical engineering from Polytechnic University of Timisoara. He served as the conditioning coach for fencer Bodo Benjamin when he won the national title in men’s foil in 2021 and 2022. He was also the strength coach to Biea Flavius, winner of the International Boxing Association’s Intercontinental Super Welterweight title. He has also coauthored a number of articles in journals, including Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Materials Today: Proceeding, and IOP Science.


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