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Test of Secondary Basic Sports Skills Digital Manual

$39.00 USD

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$39.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492597605


Access Duration: 84 Months

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Test of Secondary Basic Sports Skills Digital Manual is a revolutionary resource that provides physical educators of 11- to 15-year-olds a valid and reliable test to determine student competence in executing 10 sport skills from six sports.

Two Unique Aspects
Two aspects of this online manual set it apart from any similar resource. First, it identifies performance criteria deviations—that is, it points out the deviations or performance errors in performing the skills, helping educators see the areas that students need to correct. Second, the Test of Secondary Basic Sports Skills (TSBSS) is the first test of its kind to rely solely on video demonstrations to model correct skill techniques. This can help reduce the amount of class time needed for verbal instruction and provide consistency in test administration. And because research has shown that students are more attentive and motivated to improve performance when video is used to demonstrate correct technique, the TSBSS video can improve results.

Useful Resource
Test of Secondary Basic Sports Skills Digital Manual is a great tool for educators in many ways:
  • The TSBSS can help teachers in determining student progress toward meeting grade-level outcomes for national, state, and local physical education standards for students from age 11 years, 6 months to age 15 years, 5 months.
  • The results of the TSBSS can be used to establish baseline performance levels and track student progress to determine whether the student can move forward into more applied sport and activity instruction or whether remedial action is required.
  • The TSBSS helps adapted physical educators make placement decisions.
  • The data gathered from the test is useful in curriculum planning, because it helps teachers know what areas to emphasize within each skill, how to improve their instruction, and how to adjust their curricula to improve student learning.
Skills and Uses of the Test
Test of Secondary Basic Sports Skills Digital Manual is a test battery rather than a library of assessments. The 10 skills included in the test were chosen to represent those typically found in the national, state, and local standards, as well as those skills students need to gain physical literacy. The skills represent key points in student progress from the elementary level to the secondary level. The test includes a behavior observation checklist that allows the teacher to document observations of anything that might hinder student performance (e.g., a temporary injury or motor planning problems).

The test can be used as a whole, or it can be broken down to focus on one skill at a time to match what students are currently learning in class. Although TSBSS is not intended to be used to grade student performance, teachers could give the TSBSS as pretests and posttests to measure the progress of skill performance over time.

The Perfect Tool for Educators
Test of Secondary Basic Sports Skills Digital Manualis a highly innovative tool for physical educators who need a reliable and valid criterion-referenced test that doesn’t consume valuable instruction and activity time. The trustworthiness, utility, and efficiency of the resource make it a must-have for educators who want to effectively assess their students’ performance of sport skills relevant for meeting physical education standards.


Reference for physical education and adapted physical education teachers, administrators, and assessment directors. Also a supplemental product for PETE courses in assessment, methods, and inclusive physical education.
Quick Access to Tests
Sport Test Materials
Catching With a Glove
Throwing Overhand
Striking a Pitched Ball
Basketball Lay-Up
Disc Throw
Kicking a Soccer Ball Into a Goal
Trapping a Soccer Ball
Tennis Serve
Volleyball Serve
Volleyball Forearm Pass

Chapter 1. Test Overview

Chapter 2. Test Administration and Procedures

Chapter 3. Scoring Procedures and Interpretation of the Results

Chapter 4. Development of TSBSS

Chapter 5. TSBSS Pilot Test Results

Chapter 6. Use and Dissemination of the TSBSS


Appendix A: TSBSS Score Sheets
Appendix B: Quality Skill Performance (Mature/Adult Pattern)
Appendix C: Sports Skills Deviations and Explanations
Appendix D: Test Administration Directions
Appendix E: Assessment Information
Appendix F: Test Contact Information

Perky Vetter, PhD, is a professor emerita at Cal Poly Pomona, where she taught in the area of adapted physical education and teacher preparation since 1979. She is director emerita of the Motor Development Clinic in the College of Science at Cal Poly Pomona and a consultant with the special education division of the California Department of Education. Dr. Vetter has chaired the following committees for the California Department of Education: APE Program Advisory, APE Credential Standards, and APE Guidelines for California Schools. She is an active member of California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), holding multiple offices over the years. She presents often in the field of adapted physical education at the local, district, state, and national levels.

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Nicholas Fabiano

Test of Secondary Basic Sports Skills Digital Manual