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Strength Training for Women PDF

Author: Lori Incledon

$19.95 USD

$19.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492574408


Page Count: 232

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Perfectly suited for the fast-growing, increasingly sophisticated women’s fitness market, Strength Training for Women prescribes the most effective strength training exercises and programs along with the rationale behind them.

Readers will gain insight into how the female body responds to training and come away with sample programs and exercises to train every area of the female form. In addition to the strength training programs provided, fat-burning circuits, bone-building regimens, and competition programs are also presented. Readers will learn to customize their training programs to maximize their own genetic makeup and unique physiology and achieve such goals as
  • gaining strength
  • getting leaner
  • boosting metabolism,
  • promoting muscle hypertrophy, and
  • increasing bone density.
Strength Training for Women allows women to reap the full benefits of a stronger physique with this book women will discover how their muscles function so that they can take full advantage of every workout.

Part I. Designing Women
Chapter 1. Becoming Fashionably Strong
Chapter 2. Building a Better Body
Chapter 3. Muscling Up Your Metabolism

Part II. Results-Oriented Training
Chapter 4. Training for Specific Results
Chapter 5. Gaining Superwoman Strength
Chapter 6. Fueling Your Strength
Chapter 7. Designing Your Program

Part III. Movements and Muscles
Chapter 8. Strengthening Your Core
Chapter 9. Pressing and Pulling for Power
Chapter 10. Arming Your Biceps and Triceps
Chapter 11. Developing Lean, Athletic Legs
Chapter 12. Deadlifting for Whole-Body Strength
Chapter 13. Quenching Your Competitive Fire

Lori Incledon serves as vice president of Human Performance Specialists, Inc. For more than 10 years she has been involved in personal training, sport-specific conditioning, physical therapy, athletic training, and injury prevention. She specializes in women’s personal training, placing an emphasis on strength training.

Previously, Incledon was the head strength and conditioning specialist at Cypress Bay High School and St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where she was also the head athletic trainer. She initiated the strength and conditioning program for the then-new Cypress Bay, and during her time at St. Thomas she assisted in sending a majority of their sports teams to state competitions.

Incledon has a BS in public relations from the University of Florida, and an AS as a physical therapist assistant. She holds a National Athletic Trainers’ Association certification in athletic training, and she is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and a certified personal trainer through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Additionally, she is licensed in the states of Florida and Arizona as a physical therapist assistant and as an athletic trainer.

She is an active lecturer and rehabilitation consultant to high school, collegiate, and professional sports teams. Her freelance articles appear in Muscle & Fitness, Muscle & Fitness Hers, and numerous Internet sites.

Incledon lives in Chandler, Arizona.

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