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Strength Training for Fat Loss 2nd Edition Online CE Exam With Print Book

Author: Human Kinetics

$102.00 USD

Online Exam With Print Book
$102.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718218512


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • Strength Training for Fat Loss, Second Edition, book
  • Online continuing education exam
In Strength Training for Fat Loss, Second Edition, internationally renowned trainer Nick Tumminello provides the formula for transforming the body. He explains how to use the three Cs of metabolic strength training—circuits, combinations, and complexes—to accelerate metabolism and maximize fat loss while maintaining and even adding muscle. In this updated second edition, you’ll find
  • more than 150 exercises using barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, machines, or body weight,
  • basic guidelines for eating sensibly to accelerate metabolism,
  • over 50 ready-to-use metabolic strength workouts,
  • color photos demonstrating the exercises,
  • at-home workouts that require minimal equipment, and
  • beginner workouts for those new to strength training as well as advanced exercisers.
After reading the book, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify the health and performance benefits of fat loss through strength training.
  • Describe the three main concepts of metabolic strength training and understand how to apply them in workout programs for all levels.
  • Learn a variety of metabolic strength training exercises using a variety of equipment as well as body weight.
  • Understand nutrition concepts to accelerate metabolism for fat loss and know how nutrition strategies complement metabolic strength training exercise programs.
  • Design effective metabolic strength training programs to meet specific goals for fat loss.
  • Learn correct positioning and technique for circuit, combination, and complex training routines with weight equipment and body weight.
  • Learn proper warm-up and cool-down techniques to use as part of metabolic strength training for fat loss.
  • Develop progressive, systematic metabolic strength training workout programs that, in combination with nutrition recommendations, will result in fat loss.
  • Understand the science and research related to why metabolic strength training should be a vital part of any fat loss program.


Certified personal trainers and strength and conditioning professionals who want to use resistance training to help clients develop a leaner physique.
Chapter 1. Benefits of Fat Loss
Chapter 2. Strength Training and Fat Loss
Chapter 3. Nutrition for Fat Loss
Chapter 4. Circuits
Chapter 5. Combinations
Chapter 6. Complexes
Chapter 7. Body-Weight Training
Chapter 8. Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs for Fat Loss
Chapter 9. Fat Loss Workouts for Beginners
Chapter 10. Fat Loss Workouts
Chapter 11. At-Home Fat Loss Workouts
Chapter 12. The Fat Loss Five Program
Chapter 13. Fat Loss Training for Life
Nick Tumminello is an internationally recognized fitness professional with over 20 years of industry experience. He is the inventor of the NT Loop, which is a world-class resistance band.

Tumminello has been a fitness professional since 1998 and co-owned a private training center in Baltimore, Maryland, from 2001 to 2011. He has trained thousands of clients of all ages and fitness levels, including NFL players, bodybuilding athletes from the amateur level to the professional ranks, and plenty of everyday athletes and active adults. From 2002 to 2011, Tumminello was the strength and conditioning coach for the Ground Control MMA team. He has been a consultant and expert for clothing and equipment companies such as Sorinex, Dynamax, Reebok, and Power Systems.

While still coaching athletes today, Tumminello has also authored three other best-selling books: Strength Zone Training, Building Muscle and Performance, and Your Workout PERFECTED. He has been featured in two exercise books on the New York Times bestseller list, on the home page of Yahoo! and YouTube, and in the ACE Personal Trainer Manual. He is the editor in chief of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) journal Personal Training Quarterly. In 2015 Tumminello was inducted into the Personal Trainer Hall of Fame. In 2016 he was NSCA’s Personal Trainer of the Year.

From massive industry conferences to private team development events, Tumminello has racked up hundreds of speaking engagements all over the world. He is passionate about bringing the best fitness and performance information to trainers, athletes, and active adults in the most practical way possible.

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