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Sports in American History 3rd Edition HKPropel Access

From Colonization to Globalization

$29.95 USD

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$29.95 USD

ISBN: 9781718210110


Access Duration: 24 Months

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NOTE: This product provides access only to the supplemental online content for Sports in American History. Purchase this product only if you already own the book or ebook.

To assist students using the text, the third edition of Sports in American History has related content delivered through HKPropel. This content consists of 10 articles from the scholarly journal Sport History Review. The end of each chapter in the text includes abstracts, text excerpts, and discussion questions related to these articles.

A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books and some ebooks. For ebook formats that don’t provide an access code, one may be purchased separately.

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