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Sport Venue and Event Management Custom Ebook: Endicott College (Fried)

Author: Gil Fried

$31.20 USD

$31.20 USD

ISBN: 9781492568629


Page Count: 227

Access Duration: 10 Years

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This custom ebook uses chapters from Managing Sport Facilities, Third Edition. It is specifically designed for students taking the course Sport Venue and Event Management at Endicott College.


Custom ebook for students taking the course Sport Venue and Event Management at Endicott College.
Facility Site and Design
Facility Construction
Facility Systems
Facility Operations
Facility Maintenance
Facility Preparation and Event Management
Implementing a Security Plan
Legal Responsibilities
Gil B. Fried, JD, is a professor at the University of New Haven in Connecticut. He has taught sport facility management for more than 20 years and has written numerous articles, books, and book chapters on sport facility management issues. Fried speaks throughout the United States on issues such as building and financing facilities and dealing with risk management concerns.

He was the director of risk management for OR&L Facility Management, which manages several million square feet of space. He has also worked with the International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM) and developed the curriculum and materials for the IAVM’s Academy for Venue Safety & Security.

Besides taking pictures of numerous sport facilities to include in future versions of this text, Fried enjoys playing badminton, farming, being with his wife and kids, and traveling.

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