Sport Marketing 5th Edition HKPropel Access
Author: Windy Dees, Patrick Walsh, Chad D. McEvoy, Steve McKelvey, Bernard J. Mullin, Stephen Hardy, William A. Sutton
$39.95 USD

To assist students using the text, the fifth edition of Sport Marketing has related online learning activities delivered through HKPropel. These feature exclusive video interviews with leaders in the sport industry offering insights into how they incorporate marketing strategies into their daily work. Student activities built around these clips guide students in using core concepts from the text to answer questions about the applied situations in the interviews. Interactive key term activities and web search activities also provide opportunities for students to compare strategies found on sport organization websites, YouTube, and other online locations. Activities may be assigned directly via HKPropel.
A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books and some ebooks. For ebook formats that don’t provide an access code, one may be purchased separately.