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Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy Online CE Exam With Print Book

Author: Human Kinetics

$90.00 USD

Online Exam With Print Book
$90.00 USD
Online Exam With Ebook
$70.00 USD

Online Exam Without Book
$60.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718210257


Approved Credits:

ACE 0.90BCRPA 9.00canfitpro 4.00CAO 3.00CAS 3.00CATA 3.60CCHPBC-MT 1.00CKA 9.00Contact Hours 9.00CPTN 7.00CSEP 5.00FNB 9.00ISSA 9.00NCSF 4.50NETA 9.00NFPT 1.80NSCA 0.60NSFA 9.00NSPA 9.00OFC 9.00SKESA 9.00SPRA 9.00
This package includes the following:
  • Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy book
  • Online continuing education exam
Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy offers you a detailed look into some of the most common sport injury conditions and the best exercises to help prevent their occurrence, so you can help your clients perform with a reduced risk of injury.

Throughout the text, stunning full-color medical illustrations paired with the latest sport injury science guide you in reducing the likelihood of an injury before it happens.

Reduce the risk of common injuries like ACL tears, shoulder instability, concussions, and strains of the hamstring and low back. The book’s comprehensive coverage presents injuries by body segments—beginning with the head and neck and continuing all the way down through the lower leg and foot.

After reading the book, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Describe the anatomy of commonly injured areas of the body.
  • Explain the function of the muscles that surround joints.
  • Identify common injuries that may occur during sport.
  • Explain which sports are most likely to experience common injuries.
  • Choose exercises that target structures that are commonly injured.
  • Instruct athletes in proper exercise technique.
  • Identify the variables that are most important in prescribing an injury prevention program.
  • Design a year-round injury prevention program.


Athletic trainers, physical therapists, strength and conditioning professionals, and personal trainers who work with athletes.

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