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Sport Communication Case Studies 2nd Edition PDF

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ISBN: 9781492592693


Page Count: 770

Access Duration: 10 Years

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This ebook is a compilation of articles from International Journal of Sport Communication. It has been specifically designed for students taking sport communication courses.


Ebook for students taking sport communication courses.
Section I. Case Studies Related to Personal and Organizational Communication in Sport

Case Studies in Personal Communication in Sport
Athlete-to-Athlete Verbal Aggression: A Case Study of Interpersonal Communication Among Elite Australian Footballers
John H. Kerr and Pippa Grange

“We Aren’t Looking at This as an Audition”: Exploring Interim Leadership in College Athletics
Blair W. Browning and Jeffrey W. Kassing

Coach Verbal Aggression: A Case Study Examining Effects on Athlete Motivation and Perceptions of Coach Credibility
Joseph P. Mazer, Katie Barnes, Alexia Grevious, and Caroline Boger

Journalists and Olympic Athletes: A Norwegian Case Study of an Ambivalent Relationship
Elsa Kristiansen and Dag Vidar Hanstad

A Hole in One (Hundred Forty Characters): A Case Study Examining PGA Tour Golfers’ Twitter Use During the Masters
Kevin Hull

Communication Practices and Social Tie Formation: A Case Study of Recreational Lifestyle Sports Cultures
Veera Ehrlén

Case Studies in Organizational Communication in Sport
Gainline Africa: A Case Study of Sport-for-Development Organizations and the Role of Organizational Relationship Building Via Social Media
Marion E. Hambrick and Per G. Svensson

Understanding Organizational and Public Perspectives on Stadium Redevelopment Through Social Media: A Case Study of Georgia State University’s “New” Stadium
Glynn M. McGehee, Armin A. Marquez, Beth A. Cianfrone, and Timothy Kellison

Corporate Consolidation and Content-Management Systems in College Athletics Web Sites: A Case Study of
Heather L. Dichter

Professional Athletes’ Shrinking Privacy Boundaries: Fans, Information and Communication Technologies, and Athlete Monitoring
Jimmy Sanderson

World Wrestling Entertainment Responds to the Chris Benoit Tragedy: A Case Study
Laura Richardson Walton and Kevin D. Williams

A Case-Study Analysis of NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Tournament Broadcasts: Educational or Commercial Activity?
Richard M. Southall and Mark S. Nagel

Fantasy Breakdown: A Case Study on Organizational Crisis Communication and Stakeholder Reaction During Mass Product Failure
Brody J. Ruihley, Jason Simmons, Andrew C. Billings, and Rich Calabrese

Section II. Case Studies Related to Mediated Communication in Sport

Case Studies in Sport Mass Media
Does Local News Side With Local Organizations? A Case Study of Boosterism and Dependence on Local and National Sources
Eunyoung Kim and Wilson Lowrey

Sports Journalists and England’s Barclays Premier League: A Case Study Examining Reporters’ Takes on Modern Football
Danielle S. Coombs and Anne Osborne

Attitudes of Sport Print Journalists About Developing Electronic Media Skills: A Case Study of Two Major Newspapers
John P. McGuire and Ray Murray

“Allez Wiggo”: A Case Study on the Reactions of the British Print Media to Bradley Wiggins’s Victory in the Tour de France
Gerald Griggs, Tom Gibbons, Tony Rees, and Mark Groves

The Impact of Global Sport on Local Media: A Case Study of Korean Newspaper Coverage of Women’s Golf
Sang Keon Yoo

ImageBreak Point: A Case Study of How Globalization and Technology Led to New Tennis Media Gatekeepers in the United States
Daniel A. Gruber

Disabling Prejudice: A Case Study of Images of Paralympic Athletes and Attitudes Toward People With Disabilities
David Welch Suggs, Jr., and Jason Lee Guthrie

Case Studies in Emerging and Social Media in Sport
“I Love Twitter”: A Case Study Exploring Local Sports Broadcasters’ Impressions of Twitter
Kevin Hull

Education on the Digital Terrain: A Case Study Exploring College Athletes’ Perceptions of Social-Media Training
Jimmy Sanderson, Blair Browning, and Annelie Schmittel

#Fight4UNCWSwimandDive: A Case Study of How College Athletes Used Twitter to Help Save Their Teams
Kevin Hull

Characteristics of Users of a Mixed-Martial-Arts Blog: A Case Study of Demographics and Usage Trends
Evan L. Frederick, Galen E. Clavio, Lauren M. Burch, and Matthew H. Zimmerman

Covering the Scandal in 140 Characters: A Case Study of Twitter’s Role in Coverage of the Penn State Saga
Jimmy Sanderson and Marion E. Hambrick

Fan–Athlete Interaction and Twitter Tweeting Through the Giro: A Case Study
Jeffrey W. Kassing and Jimmy Sanderson

Section III. Case Studies Related to Sport Communication Services and Support

Case Studies in Integrated Marketing Communication
Communicating Brand Identity on Social Media: A Case Study of the Use of Instagram and Twitter for Collegiate Athletic Branding
Brandi Watkins and Jason W. Lee

The Impact of Gamer Motives, Consumption, and In-Game Advertising Effectiveness: A Case Study of Football Sport Video Games
Beth A. Cianfrone and James J. Zhang

Winning With Apps: A Case Study of the Current Branding Strategies Employed on Professional Sport Teams’ Mobile Apps
Brandi Watkins and Regina Lewis

Does Advertising Mitigate the Negative Effects of Losing on Satisfaction and Conative Aspects of Sport Attendance? A Case Study in Intercollegiate Athletics
Galen T. Trail, Hyungil Kwon, and Dean F. Anderson

Use of an Organizational Weblog in Relationship Building: The Case of a Major League Baseball Team
Stephen W. Dittmore, G. Clayton Stoldt, and T. Christopher Greenwell

Commercial Programming at a Single-Sport Cable Channel: Strategies and Practices at Golf Channel
Douglas M. Carroll

Case Studies in Public Relations and Crisis Communication
Scandal in College Basketball: A Case Study of Image Repair via Facebook
Evan Frederick and Ann Pegoraro

Game Changer: A Case Study of Social-Media Strategy in Big Ten Athletic Departments
Makayla Hipke and Frauke Hachtmann

Revisiting Image-Restoration Strategies: An Integrated Case Study of Three Athlete Sex Scandals in Sports News
Juan Meng and Po-Lin Pan

The Lack of Risk Communication at an Elite Sports Event: A Case Study of the FINA 10 K Marathon Swimming World Cup
John J. Miller and John T. Wendt

Publishing for Paydirt: A Case Study of an Athletic Department Writer
Molly Yanity

Running a Social-Media Newsroom: A Case Study of the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon
Linda J. Schoenstedt and Jackie Reau

Dodging DeflateGate: A Case Study of Equivocation and Strategic Ambiguity in a Crisis
David E. Clementson

Case Studies in Sport Communication Research
Labor’s Denial: A Case Study of How Labor Used the Media and Public Relations to Block the First NBA–ABA Merger Attempt
William B. Anderson

Media Industries and Sport Scandals: Deadspin, Sports Illustrated, ESPN, and the Manti Te’o Hoax
Benjamin Burroughs and Travis Vogan

Exploring the Factors Affecting Popularity in Social Media: A Case Study of Football Bowl Subdivision Head Coaches
Jonathan A. Jensen, Shaina M. Ervin, and Stephen W. Dittmore

Gender and Predictors of Multiplatform Media Uses: A Case Study of the Super Bowl
Roger Cooper and Tang Tang

A Case Study on Message-Board and Media Framing of Gay Male Athletes on a Politically Liberal Web Site
Edward M. Kian

A Hit on American Football: A Case Study of Bottom-up Framing Through Op-Ed Readers’ Comments
Travis R. Bell and Jimmy Sanderson
Paul M. Pedersen, PhD, is a professor of sport management and the director of the sport management program in the School of Public Health at Indiana University at Bloomington (IU). He has worked as a sports writer, sport management consultant, and sport business columnist. Pedersen's primary areas of scholarly interest and research are the symbiotic relationship between sport and communication, and the activities and practices of various sport organization personnel.

A research fellow of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), Pedersen has published eight books (including Handbook of Sport Communication, Research Methods and Design in Sport Management, and Strategic Sport Communication) and over 95 articles in peer-reviewed outlets such as the Journal of Sport Management, European Sport Management Quarterly, Sport Marketing Quarterly, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Sociology of Sport Journal, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, and Journal of Sports Economics. He has also been a part of more than 100 refereed presentations at professional conferences and more than 50 invited presentations, including invited addresses in China, Denmark, Hungary, Norway, and South Korea. He has been interviewed and quoted in publications as diverse as the New York Times and China Daily.

Founder and editor in chief of the International Journal of Sport Communication, he serves on the editorial board of 10 journals. A 2011 inductee into the Golden Eagle Hall of Fame (East High School in Pueblo, Colorado), Pedersen lives in Bloomington, Indiana, with his wife, Jennifer, and their two youngest children, Brock and Carlie. Their two oldest children also live in Bloomington and attend IU: Zack is an undergraduate student, and Hallie is a graduate student.

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