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Sport and Fitness Management: TWU

$69.00 USD

$69.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718203303


Page Count: 401

Access Duration: 10 Years

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This custom ebook includes chapters from Health Fitness Management, Third Edition, and Contemporary Sport Management, Sixth Edition. It has been specifically designed for students taking the course Sport and Fitness Management (KINS 3713) at Texas Woman’s University.


Custom ebook for students taking the course Sport and Fitness Management (KINS 3713) at Texas Woman’s University.
Recognizing the Importance of Leaders and Managers
From Health Fitness Management, Third Edition

Developing a Professional Perspective
Sally R. Ross, Brian P. McCullough, and Susan E.C. Simmons
From Contemporary Sport Management, Sixth Edition

Management Concepts and Practice in Sport Organizations
Kathy Babiak, Kathryn Heinze, and Lucie Thibault
From Contemporary Sport Management, Sixth Edition

Understanding Organizational Design
From Health Fitness Management, Third Edition

Recruiting the Best Staff for Your Facility
From Health Fitness Management, Third Edition

Managing Staff Performance
From Health Fitness Management, Third Edition

Developing a Compensation Program
From Health Fitness Management, Third Edition

Marketing Your Program
From Health Fitness Management, Third Edition

Focusing on Customer Service
From Health Fitness Management, Third Edition

Retaining Members Through Program Management
From Health Fitness Management, Third Edition

Generating Revenue Through Profit Centers
From Health Fitness Management, Third Edition

Understanding Financial Management
From Health Fitness Management, Third Edition

Risk Management: Addressing Health and Safety Concerns
From Health Fitness Management, Third Edition

Maintaining Your Facility
From Health Fitness Management, Third Edition

Understanding Legal and Insurance Issues
From Health Fitness Management, Third Edition

Analytics in the Sport Industry
Kevin Mongeon, David P. Hedlund, and Ryan Spalding
From Contemporary Sport Management, Sixth Edition
Mike Bates is the owner of Refine Fitness Studio, located in Windsor, Ontario. Bates has worked in a variety of positions in the fitness industry, including sales, front desk, personal training, and management. He was recognized as one of the top sales managers at GoodLife Fitness in Canada and achieved one of the club chain’s highest retention levels. Bates is also a lecturer at the University of Windsor, teaching courses in sport management, human resource management, and strength and conditioning. He coordinates and teaches personal training and sports conditioning certification courses in Windsor and is a regular speaker at International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), canfitpro, and Club Industry. He was the managing director of Human Kinetics Canada from 1999 to 2007. Bates holds BHK and MBA degrees from the University of Windsor.

Michael Spezzano is a consultant in health, fitness, and healthy living program management and development, specializing in medical fitness programs and health care collaborations. Working with staff teams, he develops innovative and effective program solutions that respond to constituent needs and maintain organization health and vitality. Spezzano has extensive experience in developing and managing a broad range of adult and youth programming.

Prior to his consulting work, Spezzano had a 35-year career with the YMCA. As vice president of programs and membership at the YMCA of Greater New York, Spezzano managed delivery of health and fitness programs and membership services for the largest Y in the United States. He was responsible for $60 million in annual membership revenue and three annual marketing campaigns responsible for producing 20,000 new members a year. Prior to that, he was the national health and fitness director for the YMCA of the USA. In that position he provided national Y leadership in the field of health and fitness. His responsibilities included program design and development, certification training, resource development, and consultation to 2,600 YMCAs in the United States.

Spezzano has been featured in numerous national media outlets, including ABC TV online, New York Times, USA Today, Web MD, Newsweek online, Lifetime online, Men’s Health magazine, Weight Watchers magazine, Family Life magazine, and Wall Street Journal.

Guy Danhoff has been teaching at Missouri Baptist University (MBU) in St. Louis, Missouri, since 2008. He currently serves as coordinator of the graduate fitness management program within the health and sport sciences division. Danhoff teaches courses in that division (fitness management, sport and social media, and sport marketing) as well as courses within the MBU School of Business (strategic management, entrepreneurial marketing, current issues in marketing, and introduction to marketing for health care systems). Danhoff completed all of his course work in 2018 and is slated to complete his business administration doctoral degree program at Walden University before 2020. His doctoral research capstone project is titled “Social Media Marketing Strategies to Increase Revenue in the Health and Fitness Industry.” Danhoff also holds a master’s degree in exercise science as well as a bachelor’s degree in corporate fitness from Western Illinois University in Macomb, Illinois (magna cum laude).

Prior to teaching in higher education, Danhoff spent 14 years in the fitness industry, with positions in sales, sales management, business development, and marketing. He was the director of fitness entertainment technology and operations for MYE Entertainment North America. He was recognized with the Top Producer of the Year award by multiple fitness equipment and fitness technology companies, including Fitness Warehouse, Tectrix, and Netpulse. He was later appointed by Precor to manage two national sales accounts: XSport Fitness and Power Wellness. Today, Danhoff consults with organizations—ranging from small businesses to large global brands—regarding their digital and social media marketing strategies and the use of data analytics to drive business intelligence and revenue generation. Since February 2018 Danhoff has served on the board of directors for the Missouri Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (MOAHPERD), overseeing the direction of the organization’s digital marketing and communications.

Paul M. Pedersen, PhD, is a professor of sport management and the director of the sport management program in the School of Public Health at Indiana University at Bloomington (IU). He has worked as a sports writer, sport management consultant, and sport business columnist. Pedersen's primary areas of scholarly interest and research are the symbiotic relationship between sport and communication, and the activities and practices of various sport organization personnel.

A research fellow of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), Pedersen has published eight books (including Handbook of Sport Communication, Research Methods and Design in Sport Management, and Strategic Sport Communication) and over 95 articles in peer-reviewed outlets such as the Journal of Sport Management, European Sport Management Quarterly, Sport Marketing Quarterly, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Sociology of Sport Journal, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, and Journal of Sports Economics. He has also been a part of more than 100 refereed presentations at professional conferences and more than 50 invited presentations, including invited addresses in China, Denmark, Hungary, Norway, and South Korea. He has been interviewed and quoted in publications as diverse as the New York Times and China Daily.

Founder and editor in chief of the International Journal of Sport Communication, he serves on the editorial board of 10 journals. A 2011 inductee into the Golden Eagle Hall of Fame (East High School in Pueblo, Colorado), Pedersen lives in Bloomington, Indiana, with his wife, Jennifer, and their two youngest children, Brock and Carlie. Their two oldest children also live in Bloomington and attend IU: Zack is an undergraduate student, and Hallie is a graduate student.

Lucie Thibault, PhD, is a professor in the department of sport management at Brock University in Ontario, Canada. She has taught at Brock since 2002. Thibault has also taught at the University of British Columbia and the University of Ottawa. In her quarter century of teaching, Thibault has taught courses in organizational theory, organizational behavior, ethics in sport, globalization of sport, and policy and social issues in sport.

Thibault serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics as well as the European Sport Management Quarterly. She has held the roles of associate editor and editor of the Journal of Sport Management. She is a member of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) and was named a research fellow of NASSM in 2001. In 2008, Thibault was awarded the Earle F. Zeigler Lecture Award from NASSM for her scholarly and leadership contributions to the field.

Thibault’s research interests lie in the formation, management, and evaluation of cross-sectoral partnerships in sport organizations. She also investigates the role of the Canadian government in sport excellence and sport participation and government involvement in developing sport policy. She has been an invited speaker at many conferences around the world. Her research has appeared in numerous scholarly journals, including the Journal of Sport Management, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, Human Relations, Leisure Studies, European Sport Management Quarterly, International Journal for Sport Policy and Politics, and Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Thibault resides in the Niagara region of Ontario.

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The book is easy to access and their are so many tools to use when reading/studying

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