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Soft Tissue and Trigger Point Release 2nd Edition epub

Author: Jane Johnson

$33.00 USD

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$33.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492589860


Page Count: 288

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Soft Tissue and Trigger Point Release, Second Edition, is a practical guide to understanding and applying soft tissue release (STR), including how it can be used to deactivate trigger points and maximize patient outcomes of treatment and rehabilitation. Whether you are a student or a professional, the detailed instruction and numerous photos will help you gain proficiency and confidence in applying these techniques.

Soft Tissue and Trigger Point Release thoroughly explains the differences between the three types of STR—passive (clients do not help), active-assisted (clients and therapists work together), and active (clients do it on their own)—and provides step-by-step descriptions for performing each type. This edition incorporates new content on how soft tissue release may be used to deactivate trigger points, aiding in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain. Additional updates include the following:

• More than 150 new photographs and 21 new anatomical illustrations

• Guiding arrows overlaid on photos to show the direction in which to apply pressure

• Illustrations of trigger points found in 21 muscles

• New descriptions of the use of active-assisted STR on the iliotibial band (ITB), infraspinatus, biceps brachii, and triceps

• New sections describing how to apply active STR to gluteals, trapezius, scalenes, rhomboid, and pectoral muscles

• Instruction for applying passive STR to shoulder adductors

• Case studies providing examples of how STR was used with four clients with differing problems

Complementing each technique are information on the key holds, moves, and stances for various muscles and handy reference charts indicating the types of clients and situations for which each technique is particularly useful. The full-color photos depict the locks and stretches, while some of the more difficult techniques are accompanied by photos showing the position of the therapist and a skeletal overlay on the client so you can pinpoint the specific muscle being targeted. The book also explains how to use alternative options—such as massage tools and forearms, fists, and elbows—to protect your hands and thumbs from overuse. Tip boxes offer practical comments on applying the techniques, while Client Talk boxes provide insight into real-world situations.

Soft Tissue and Trigger Point Release also shows you how to incorporate the proper techniques into a treatment program. It guides you through the consultation process and provides examples of initial questions to ask clients and various assessment forms to use in identifying clients’ needs. Using case studies and comparisons, you will learn how the data gleaned from clients can guide the design of an effective treatment program.

Soft Tissue and Trigger Point Release, Second Edition, is part of the Hands-On Guides for Therapists series, developed to provide the best clinical and educational resources available for those in bodywork professions.


Reference for students and practitioners of massage therapy, physical therapy and physiotherapy, athletic training and athletic therapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic.

Jane Johnson, MSc, PhD, is a chartered physiotherapist and sport massage therapist specializing in occupational health and massage. In this role she spends much time assessing the posture of clients and examining whether work, sport, or recreational postures may be contributing to their symptoms. She devises postural correction plans that include both hands-on and hands-off techniques. 

Johnson has taught continuing professional development (CPD) workshops for many organizations both in the UK and abroad. This experience has brought her into contact with thousands of therapists of all disciplines and informed her own practice. Johnson has a passion for inspiring and supporting students and newly qualified therapists to gain confidence in the use of assessment and treatment techniques.

Johnson is a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and is registered with the Health Professions Council. A member of the Medico Legal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists, she provides expert witness reports on cases involving soft tissue therapies. Johnson is the author of six titles in the Hands-On Guides for Therapists series. These are, Postural Assessment, Postural Correction, Therapeutic Stretching, Soft Tissue Release, Deep Tissue Massage and Soft Tissue and Trigger Point Release. Postural Assessment has sold over 10,000 copies. She is also the author of The Big Back Book: Tips & Tricks for Therapists. 

Jane regularly delivers webinars on popular musculoskeletal topics, as well as on life working as a therapist. In her Facebook group (Jane Johnson The Friendly Physio), she shares tips and tricks in her usual, friendly manner.

Johnson lives in the north of England in an unmodernized house where she creates books and webinars, makes art and rehomes big rescue dogs. 

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