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Soccer 4th Edition PDF

Steps to Success

$19.95 USD

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ISBN: 9781492577331


Page Count: 272

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Master key techniques on the soccer field with Soccer: Steps to Success. This comprehensive guide features step-by-step instruction on becoming skilled in individual techniques and team tactics.

Improve your abilities in dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, defending, tackling, heading, and goalkeeping with the help of detailed descriptions and full-color photos and illustrations of all fundamental techniques. Then learn how and when to apply those skills in game situations, such as winning one-on-one matchups, attacking, and defending. More than 180 exercises and small-sided games test your readiness to progress to the next step through the use of an easy-to-follow scoring system.

Become a total player able to perform a variety of skills and execute tactics consistently. One of the sport’s most popular resources, Soccer: Steps to Success has helped more than 100,000 players take their game to the next level.

Step 1 Dribbling, Shielding, and Tackling

Step 2 Passing and Receiving Rolling Balls

Step 3 Passing and Receiving Flighted Balls

Step 4 Dominating the Air Game

Step 5 Shooting to Finish the Attack

Step 6 Goalkeeping

Step 7 Winning One-on-One Matchups

Step 8 Attacking As a Group

Step 9 Defending As a Group

Step 10 Attacking As a Team

Step 11 Defending As a Team

Step 12 Understanding Player Formations, Roles, and Responsibilities

Joe Luxbacher, PhD, has more than 30 years of experience playing and coaching soccer at all levels. An expert in the fields of health, fitness, and competitive athletics, he holds a doctorate in health and physical and recreation education. A former professional and collegiate soccer player, he has played in the North American Soccer League, American Soccer League, and Major Indoor Soccer League. He currently serves as the head men’s soccer coach at the University of Pittsburgh, a position he has held since 1984. His teams have won more than 200 games at the Division I level.

Widely respected by soccer coaches and players alike, Luxbacher has twice been named Big East Conference Soccer Coach of the Year. He has also earned an A coaching license from the United States Soccer Federation. Luxbacher was inducted into the Beadling Sports Club Hall of Fame in 1995, the Upper St. Clair High School Athletic Hall of Fame in 2002, and the Western Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame in 2005. He was also honored in 2003 when he was selected as a University of Pittsburgh Letterman of Distinction.

Luxbacher is the founder and director of coaching for Shoot to Score Soccer Academy, an organization that offers educational camps, clinics, and tournaments to players ages 7 to 18. Hundreds of young soccer players participate in Shoot to Score programs each year. He has also written and produced the DVD series Winning Soccer in association with

Luxbacher, wife Gail, daughter Eliza, and son Travis live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

"Coach Luxbacher’s Soccer: Steps to Success is a comprehensive, easy-to-follow resource for coaches of all levels. This book is a must-have!”

Chris Karwoski-- Assistant Men’s Soccer Coach University of Pittsburgh

"Using his vast knowledge of soccer, Joe has produced an excellent book for both coaches and players."

Paul Halford-- Director of Coaching and Player Development PA West Soccer Association

All ancillary materials for this text are FREE to course adopters and available at

Includes lecture topics, physical activities, student assignments in both a 20-session and 32-session framework, introductory notes, key points of technique, common errors and solutions, teaching modifications, and skill application, and additional resources such as Web sites, books, DVDs, and videos. Also included are test questions in multiple-choice, true or false, fill-in-the-blank and short answer format, and student evaluation guidelines.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Tim Reynolds

I was unfortunately very disappointed