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Science and Development of Muscular Strength

$72.00 USD

$72.00 USD

ISBN: 9781718223660


Page Count: 320

Science and Development of Muscular Strength is the ultimate guide for anyone looking to understand, build, and optimize muscular strength for peak performance.

Written by Timothy J. Suchomel, PhD, a leading authority on muscular strength, Science and Development of Muscular Strength eliminates the need to consult multiple resources to understand the evolving definitions of strength as well as its crucial role in athletic success. With over 2,500 references across 12 chapters, this text is the most comprehensive resource on muscular strength.

Designed to be applicable for all levels of knowledge, the book includes helpful features to improve the reading experience:
  • Figures that depict the application of strength during different performance tasks
  • Tables that identify the key factors of programs designed to maximize muscular strength
  • Key Points within each chapter to aid comprehension
  • Take-Home Points at the end of each chapter that highlight important content
  • Comprehensive subject and author indexes to optimize use as a reference tool
Dive into the science behind training adaptations, from neuromuscular responses to genetic factors, and discover the key mechanisms that drive strength gains. You will learn to build effective, adaptable programs; tailor conditioning methods; and leverage powerful strategies for concurrent training. With methods for assessing strength, optimizing training loads, integrating evidence-based approaches for measurable results, and more, this resource has it all.

Science and Development of Muscular Strength is your go-to resource for research-based guidelines and practical recommendations to develop strength.

Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.


Strength and conditioning professionals working with athletes to maximize muscular strength development. Researchers and scientists studying muscular strength.
Chapter 1. Defining Strength
The History of Strength Competitions
Definitions of Strength
The Importance of Strength Within Sport
Redefining Strength
Strength Definition

Chapter 2. Strength-Related Responses and Adaptations to Training
Neuromuscular System
General Adaptation Syndrome
Fitness–Fatigue Paradigm
Timeline of Adaptation
Adaptations to Training
Influence of Training Stimuli on Strength Adaptations
Impact of the Training Year
External Stressors

Chapter 3. Mechanisms of Strength
Genetics and Epigenetics (Nature and Nurture)
Fiber Type
Neuromuscular Factors
Neuroendocrine System
Muscle Architecture
Motor Learning and Skill Acquisition

Chapter 4. Principles and Organization of Training
Training Principles
Organization of Training

Chapter 5. Training Methods
Types of Training
Additional Training Methods

Chapter 6. Advanced Training Methods
Relative Strength Levels
Potentiation Complexes
Variable Resistance Training
Accentuated Eccentric Loading

Chapter 7. Program Design
Needs Analysis
Programming Variables
Training Age
Training Year
Overall Training Approach

Chapter 8. Concurrent Training
The Interference Effect
Conditioning Methods
Concurrent Training Programming Considerations
Practical Application

Chapter 9. Measuring Strength
Rationale for Measuring Strength
Strength Testing Considerations
Types of Strength Testing
Combined Assessment Methods
Timing of Testing
Integration of Sport Science and Evidence-Based Practice

Chapter 10. Monitoring and Adjusting Training Loads
Monitoring and Load Adjustment Methods
Motor Learning and Skill Acquisition Monitoring
Additional Considerations for Monitoring and Load Adjustment

Chapter 11. Nutritional Considerations for Muscular Strength
Energy Balance
Ergogenic Aids
Periodization of Nutrition
Monitoring Nutrition

Chapter 12. Recovery Consideration for Strength
Recovery Methods
Mental Fatigue and Recovery
The Placebo Effect
Periodization of Recovery
Measuring Recovery
Timothy J. Suchomel, PhD, CSCS,*D, RSCC,*D, mISCP, is an associate professor and the director of the sports science master’s program at the University of Pittsburgh. He has published over 110 peer-reviewed journal articles on topics such as strength and power development, weightlifting movements and their derivatives, eccentric training methods, postactivation potentiation, and athlete monitoring.

Suchomel has served the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as the chair of the Sport Science Special Interest Group, the Wisconsin state director, and a research committee member, and he currently serves as senior associate editor of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research and associate editor for Strength and Conditioning Journal. He was honored by the NSCA with the State/Provincial Director of the Year Award in 2019, the Terry J. Housh Outstanding Young Investigator Award in 2022, and the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Editorial Excellence Award in 2023. Suchomel is a certified strength and conditioning specialist with distinction (CSCS,*D) and a registered strength and conditioning coach with distinction (RSCC,*D) through the NSCA and has been recognized as a master international strength and conditioning practitioner (mISCP) through the International Universities Strength and Conditioning Association (IUSCA).

Suchomel completed his bachelor’s degree in kinesiology at the University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh in 2010, master’s degree in human performance at the University of Wisconsin–La Crosse in 2012, and doctoral degree in sport physiology and performance at East Tennessee State University in 2015.

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