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Rocket® Yoga

Your Guide to Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa

Author: David Kyle

$29.95 USD

$29.95 USD

ISBN: 9781718216075


Page Count: 288

Break free from the limitations of classical ashtanga yoga with the progressive and dynamic practice of Rocket® yoga. This modern style of yoga is rooted in traditional ashtanga but allows for more freedom of movement based on individual anatomy and fosters empowerment through creativity, endurance, and rhythm.

Rocket®Yoga: Your Guide to Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa presents the beauty and benefits of Rocket yoga—from its history and philosophy to the sequences and practices unique to its style. You’ll begin your journey with nine guided activities to prepare for your practice, covering aspects of yoga such as drishtis, bandhas, breathing techniques, and mudras. Then explore the asana library, packed with hundreds of stunning color photographs and detailed instructions for more than 90 poses, consisting of standing, seated, inversion, and rest postures. Nearly every pose includes modifications to adapt the movements to your body—making Rocket yoga ideal for your personal needs.

Next, move through the traditional ashtanga series before adding a new dimension to your practice with five Rocket yoga series. Each Rocket yoga series has guiding photo sequences and a targeted focus:
  • Rocket I: hip openers, forward bends, and core strengthening exercises
  • Rocket II: backbends, spinal twists, arm balances, and inversions
  • Rocket arms and Rocket legs: poses that build strength and endurance
  • Rocket III: expansion of Rocket I and Rocket II, with twists, forward folds, and balances added
Beyond the sequences, you’ll find additional activities and suggestions for customizing your practice, as well as teaching tips especially for yoga instructors. The benefits of practicing Rocket yoga are as diverse and numerous as the poses. The poses work on every part of the body, making Rocket yoga ideal for relieving stress; building strength, balance, and flexibility; and stimulating increased consciousness.

With Rocket Yoga, you’ll join the thousands of devoted practitioners who use this fast-paced and stimulating form of yoga to transform their experiences of life.


Yoga instructors training to teach the Rocket yoga method; also, yoga practitioners interested in ashtanga yoga, power yoga, or Rocket yoga.
Part I. The Progressive Ashtanga Method

Chapter 1. The History and Philosophy of Rocket Yoga
The History of Ashtanga Yoga
The Birth of Rocket Yoga
The Rocket Philosophy

Chapter 2. The Fundamentals
Introduction to the Tristhana Method
Daily Cleansing Rituals

Chapter 3. The Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Method
Introducing the Vinyasa
Incorporating Creativity

Part II. Asana Library

Chapter 4. Standing Postures

Chapter 5. Seated Postures (Primary Series)

Chapter 6. Seated Postures (Intermediate Series)

Chapter 7. Inversion and Rest Postures (Finishing Series)

Part III. The Sequences

Chapter 8. Classical Ashtanga Series
Sun Salutations
Standing Series
Modified Primary Series
Full Primary Series
Intermediate Series
Finishing Series

Chapter 9. Original Rocket Yoga Series
Rocket I
Rocket II
Rocket Arms and Legs
Rocket III

Part IV. Make the Practice Your Own

Chapter 10. Create Your Practice Plan
Scheduling Your Practice
Committing to Your Practice
Fulfilling Your Minimum Daily Requirements

Chapter 11. Customize Your Practice
Softening the Practice
Adding Challenging Variations or Transitions
Practicing Drills for Skills
Practicing Yoga During Pregnancy
David Kyle, RYT-500, CMT-1000, is the founder of Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga School and is the director of all progressive ashtanga teacher trainings and intensives. He was a dedicated student of Larry Schultz, private yoga instructor for the Grateful Dead and the creator of Rocket yoga. Kyle is the highest-trained student of Larry Schultz in both primary series modifications and the Rocket series, and he is the sole owner and operator of trainings and international relations in Rocket®.

With over 20 years of yoga experience and over 30 years in body movement and the healing arts, Kyle has offered advanced yoga trainings worldwide, including the United States, Canada, South America, Mexico, China, and Europe. Rooted in the traditional ashtanga method, he makes use of the fundamental strengths of the practice while allowing for students and teachers to find empowerment in their practice through creativity, endurance, and rhythm.

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