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Research Methods and Design in Sport Management 2nd Edition With Web Resource

$112.00 USD

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Paperback With Online Resource
$112.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492574910


Page Count: 376

As the sport management industry continues to grow and evolve, so do the methods for gathering and applying research findings to drive successful sport organizations. Research Methods and Design in Sport Management, Second Edition With Web Resource, imparts modern explanations of research design, implementation, analysis, and assessment that are specific to the discipline of sport management.

An invaluable resource for both students and practitioners, the text first helps readers understand the research process and then delves into specific research methods. Special attention is devoted to the process of reading and understanding research in the field, preparing readers to apply the concepts long after reading the text and learning the foundational skills:
  • How to conduct a thorough literature review
  • Theoretical and conceptual frameworks to guide the research process
  • How to develop appropriate research questions and hypotheses
  • Techniques for conducting qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research
  • Methods for analyzing data and reporting results
The second edition introduces a new section on emerging methods and trends in the field, including social network analysis (SNA) and sport analytics. Readers will be exposed to methods of SNA data collection and interpretation, as well as how to collect and analyze data and communicate the results of sport analytics research. A chapter dedicated to legal research in sport management provides a nonintimidating discussion of the unique elements evident in sport law research, such as legal precedence, case briefing, and special writing elements.

To ensure readers can effectively apply the research concepts presented, practical examples of past research by leading sport management scholars are incorporated throughout the text. At the conclusion of each chapter, a Research Methods and Design in Action feature presents excerpts from the Journal of Sport Management to serve as case study examples with noteworthy descriptions of the employed research methods. Each journal article is then featured in its entirety in the new companion web resource, along with discussion questions that may serve as additional learning activities to guide students through challenging concepts.

Research Methods and Design in Sport Management, Second Edition, presents the tools to engage in the broad spectrum of research opportunities in sport management. With the help of this book, readers will ensure that they properly collect, analyze, and share research to inform strategic business decisions.


A graduate or upper-level undergraduate text for research methods and research design courses in sport management programs. A reference for sport management researchers, academics, and sport management professionals.
Part I. Introduction to Research in Sport Management

Chapter 1. Research Concepts in Sport Management
Research Defined
Types of Research
Research Traditions
The Evolution of Sport Management Research

Chapter 2. Ethical Issues in Research
Protection of Human Subjects
Ethical Principles and Guidelines
Institutional Review Board
Informed Consent
Scientific Dishonesty

Part II. The Research Process

Chapter 3. Creation of Research Questions
Problem Selection
Literature Review
Development of a Conceptual Framework
Focusing of Research Questions
Identification of Variables
Clarification of Hypotheses

Chapter 4. Research Design
Types of Research Design
Determination of Sample Size

Chapter 5. Data Collection and Analysis
Nonresponse Bias
Preparation of Data for Analysis
Scales of Measurement
Descriptive Statistics
Inferential Statistics
Statistical Design
Drawing Conclusions

Chapter 6. Dissemination of Findings
Academic Conference Presentation
Academic Journal Selection
Manuscript Structure
Journal Publication Process
Evaluation of Journal Articles

Part III. Research Design in Sport Management

Chapter 7. Surveys
Internet Surveys
Questionnaire Development and Design
Types of Error

Chapter 8. Interviews
Interview Techniques
Interview Process
Data Analysis

Chapter 9. Observation Research
Methodological Foundations
Observation Site
Observer Roles
Autoethnography in Sport Management
Online Observation in Sport Management
Data Collection
Field Notes
Data Analysis

Chapter 10. Case Study Research
Applied Research Advantages
Defining Sport Management Case Study Research
Research Versus Teaching Case Studies
Design and Implementation
Research Preparation
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Case Study Report

Chapter 11. Historical Research
Academic Perspective
Practical Applications
Research Prerequisites
Topic Selection
Source Material
Data Analysis
Historical Writing

Chapter 12. Legal Research
Qualities of Legal Research
Nature of the Law and Legal Research
Legal Research Techniques
Sources of Legal Information
Design and Implementation

Part IV. Statistical Methods in Sport Management

Chapter 13. Analyses of Structure
Importance of Reliability and Validity
Cronbach’s Alpha
Exploratory Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis
Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Chapter 14. Relationships Between Variables
Bivariate Correlation
Simple Linear Regression
Multiple Regression
Path Analysis

Chapter 15. Significance of Group Differences
Factorial ANOVA
Factorial ANCOVA
Factorial MANOVA
Factorial MANCOVA

Chapter 16. Prediction of Group Membership
Discriminant Analysis
Logistic Regression
Cluster Analysis

Part V. Emerging Methods and Trends in Sport Management Research

Chapter 17. Social Network Analysis in Sport
Background and History of Social Network Analysis
Social Network Analysis in Sport
Collecting Social Network Data
Analyzing Social Network Data
Strengths and Limitations of Social Network Analysis
Future Directions for Social Network Analysis in Sport

Chapter 18. Sport Analytics
Defining Sport Analytics and Its Process
Analytical Techniques and Metrics in Sport
Team and Player Performance Metrics
Sport Business Metrics
Sport Analytics Process Examples
Damon Andrew, PhD, serves as dean and professor in the College of Education at Florida State University. He earned a bachelor’s degree in physical education and a master’s degree in exercise physiology from the University of South Alabama, two additional master’s degrees in biomechanics and sport management from the University of Florida, and a PhD in sport management from Florida State University. In addition, he completed postgraduate certificates in higher education administration from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education and Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education and Human Development.

Andrew’s research has been supported by over $2.5 million in funding via 29 grants and contracts; it includes over 150 peer-reviewed articles, reviews, proceedings, and book chapters, and more than 100 presentations at national and international conferences. He has been elected to serve as president and member-at-large for the North American Society for Sport Management; as financial officer for the Sport and Recreation Law Association; and as vice chair, chair-elect, and board chair of the American Association of University Administrators. He is currently the senior editor of the Journal of Higher Education Management and associate editor of the International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, as well as a previous editor of both Sport Management Education Journal and Journal of Applied Sport Management. His scholarship has been recognized with the Applied Sport Management Association Scholar Lifetime Achievement Award, the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education Scholar Award, the Society of Health and Physical Educators Southern District Scholar Award, and the Society of Health and Physical Educators Mabel Lee Award. He is the only sport management scholar to ever be elected as a fellow of both the National Academy of Kinesiology and the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education.

Andrew directed University of Louisville’s doctoral program in sport administration from 2004 to 2006, founded and directed a doctoral program in sport management at the University of Tennessee from 2006 to 2008, and then served at Troy University as the dean of the College of Health and Human Services from 2008 to 2013 and as dean of the College of Human Sciences and Education from 2013 to 2018. He has been named a distinguished alumnus of the University of South Alabama, the University of Florida, and Florida State University, and his administrative efforts have been recognized nationally by the American Association of University Administrators, the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education, and the Southern District of the Society of Health and Physical Educators.

Paul M. Pedersen, PhD, is a professor of sport management in the School of Public Health at Indiana University at Bloomington (IU). In addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses at IU, Pedersen has been the doctoral chair of 19 PhD graduates and a committee member of another 22 dissertations. As an extension of his previous work as a sportswriter and sport business columnist, Pedersen's primary areas of scholarly interest and research are the symbiotic relationship between sport and communication as well as the activities and practices of various sport organization personnel.

A research fellow of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), Pedersen has published eight books (including Contemporary Sport Management, Handbook of Sport Communication, and Strategic Sport Communication) and more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed outlets such as the Journal of Sport Management, European Sport Management Quarterly, Sport Marketing Quarterly, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Sociology of Sport Journal, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, and Journal of Sports Economics. He has also been a part of more than 100 refereed presentations at professional conferences and more than 50 invited presentations, including invited addresses in China, Denmark, Hungary, Norway, and South Korea. He has been interviewed and quoted in publications as diverse as the New York Times and China Daily.

Founder and editor in chief of the International Journal of Sport Communication, he serves on the editorial board of nine journals. A 2011 inductee into the Golden Eagle Hall of Fame (East High School in Pueblo, Colorado), Pedersen lives in Bloomington, Indiana, with his wife, Jennifer, and their two youngest children, Brock and Carlie. Their two oldest children, Hallie and Zack, graduated from IU.

Chad D. McEvoy, EdD, is a professor and the chair of the sport management program in the kinesiology and physical education department at Northern Illinois University. Before pursuing a career in academia, McEvoy worked in marketing and fundraising in intercollegiate athletics at Iowa State University and Western Michigan University. He has conducted research projects for clients in professional sport, intercollegiate athletics, and Olympic sport and for sport agency organizations.

McEvoy holds a doctoral degree from the University of Northern Colorado, a master’s degree from the University of Massachusetts, and a bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University, each in sport management and administration. His research interests focus on revenue generation in commercialized spectator sport settings.

McEvoy has published articles in the Journal of Sport Management, Sport Management Review, Sport Marketing Quarterly, and International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing. His research has been featured in stories from more than 100 media outlets, such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Chronicle of Higher Education, PBS Newshour With Jim Lehrer, New York Daily News, and USA Today. He also appeared as a panelist before the prestigious Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics in 2008.

McEvoy is currently the president of the Sport Marketing Association and previously served as editor of Case Studies in Sport Management and co-editor of the Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics. His professional affiliations include the North American Society for Sport Management and the Sport Marketing Association.
All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors and available online.

Test package. Contains a bank of over 320 questions in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice format.

Presentation package. Includes more than 450 PowerPoint slides of text, artwork, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make handouts for distribution to students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides.

Web resource. Provides access to complete articles from the Journal of Sport Management to serve as case study examples. Each article is followed by three to five discussion questions that can be used as additional learning activities.

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Research Methods and Design in Sport Management 2nd Edition With Web Resource
Damon Andrew,Paul M. Pedersen,Chad McEvoy

Research Methods and Design in Sport Management 2nd Edition With Web Resource

$112.00 USD
As the sport management industry continues to grow and evolve, so do the methods for gathering and applying research findings to drive successful sport organizations. Research Methods and Design in Sport Management, Second Edition With Web Resource, imparts modern explanations of research design, implementation, analysis, and assessment that are specific to the discipline of sport management.

An invaluable resource for both students and practitioners, the text first helps readers understand the research process and then delves into specific research methods. Special attention is devoted to the process of reading and understanding research in the field, preparing readers to apply the concepts long after reading the text and learning the foundational skills:
  • How to conduct a thorough literature review
  • Theoretical and conceptual frameworks to guide the research process
  • How to develop appropriate research questions and hypotheses
  • Techniques for conducting qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research
  • Methods for analyzing data and reporting results
The second edition introduces a new section on emerging methods and trends in the field, including social network analysis (SNA) and sport analytics. Readers will be exposed to methods of SNA data collection and interpretation, as well as how to collect and analyze data and communicate the results of sport analytics research. A chapter dedicated to legal research in sport management provides a nonintimidating discussion of the unique elements evident in sport law research, such as legal precedence, case briefing, and special writing elements.

To ensure readers can effectively apply the research concepts presented, practical examples of past research by leading sport management scholars are incorporated throughout the text. At the conclusion of each chapter, a Research Methods and Design in Action feature presents excerpts from the Journal of Sport Management to serve as case study examples with noteworthy descriptions of the employed research methods. Each journal article is then featured in its entirety in the new companion web resource, along with discussion questions that may serve as additional learning activities to guide students through challenging concepts.

Research Methods and Design in Sport Management, Second Edition, presents the tools to engage in the broad spectrum of research opportunities in sport management. With the help of this book, readers will ensure that they properly collect, analyze, and share research to inform strategic business decisions.


A graduate or upper-level undergraduate text for research methods and research design courses in sport management programs. A reference for sport management researchers, academics, and sport management professionals.
Part I. Introduction to Research in Sport Management

Chapter 1. Research Concepts in Sport Management
Research Defined
Types of Research
Research Traditions
The Evolution of Sport Management Research

Chapter 2. Ethical Issues in Research
Protection of Human Subjects
Ethical Principles and Guidelines
Institutional Review Board
Informed Consent
Scientific Dishonesty

Part II. The Research Process

Chapter 3. Creation of Research Questions
Problem Selection
Literature Review
Development of a Conceptual Framework
Focusing of Research Questions
Identification of Variables
Clarification of Hypotheses

Chapter 4. Research Design
Types of Research Design
Determination of Sample Size

Chapter 5. Data Collection and Analysis
Nonresponse Bias
Preparation of Data for Analysis
Scales of Measurement
Descriptive Statistics
Inferential Statistics
Statistical Design
Drawing Conclusions

Chapter 6. Dissemination of Findings
Academic Conference Presentation
Academic Journal Selection
Manuscript Structure
Journal Publication Process
Evaluation of Journal Articles

Part III. Research Design in Sport Management

Chapter 7. Surveys
Internet Surveys
Questionnaire Development and Design
Types of Error

Chapter 8. Interviews
Interview Techniques
Interview Process
Data Analysis

Chapter 9. Observation Research
Methodological Foundations
Observation Site
Observer Roles
Autoethnography in Sport Management
Online Observation in Sport Management
Data Collection
Field Notes
Data Analysis

Chapter 10. Case Study Research
Applied Research Advantages
Defining Sport Management Case Study Research
Research Versus Teaching Case Studies
Design and Implementation
Research Preparation
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Case Study Report

Chapter 11. Historical Research
Academic Perspective
Practical Applications
Research Prerequisites
Topic Selection
Source Material
Data Analysis
Historical Writing

Chapter 12. Legal Research
Qualities of Legal Research
Nature of the Law and Legal Research
Legal Research Techniques
Sources of Legal Information
Design and Implementation

Part IV. Statistical Methods in Sport Management

Chapter 13. Analyses of Structure
Importance of Reliability and Validity
Cronbach’s Alpha
Exploratory Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis
Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Chapter 14. Relationships Between Variables
Bivariate Correlation
Simple Linear Regression
Multiple Regression
Path Analysis

Chapter 15. Significance of Group Differences
Factorial ANOVA
Factorial ANCOVA
Factorial MANOVA
Factorial MANCOVA

Chapter 16. Prediction of Group Membership
Discriminant Analysis
Logistic Regression
Cluster Analysis

Part V. Emerging Methods and Trends in Sport Management Research

Chapter 17. Social Network Analysis in Sport
Background and History of Social Network Analysis
Social Network Analysis in Sport
Collecting Social Network Data
Analyzing Social Network Data
Strengths and Limitations of Social Network Analysis
Future Directions for Social Network Analysis in Sport

Chapter 18. Sport Analytics
Defining Sport Analytics and Its Process
Analytical Techniques and Metrics in Sport
Team and Player Performance Metrics
Sport Business Metrics
Sport Analytics Process Examples
Damon Andrew, PhD, serves as dean and professor in the College of Education at Florida State University. He earned a bachelor’s degree in physical education and a master’s degree in exercise physiology from the University of South Alabama, two additional master’s degrees in biomechanics and sport management from the University of Florida, and a PhD in sport management from Florida State University. In addition, he completed postgraduate certificates in higher education administration from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education and Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education and Human Development.

Andrew’s research has been supported by over $2.5 million in funding via 29 grants and contracts; it includes over 150 peer-reviewed articles, reviews, proceedings, and book chapters, and more than 100 presentations at national and international conferences. He has been elected to serve as president and member-at-large for the North American Society for Sport Management; as financial officer for the Sport and Recreation Law Association; and as vice chair, chair-elect, and board chair of the American Association of University Administrators. He is currently the senior editor of the Journal of Higher Education Management and associate editor of the International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, as well as a previous editor of both Sport Management Education Journal and Journal of Applied Sport Management. His scholarship has been recognized with the Applied Sport Management Association Scholar Lifetime Achievement Award, the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education Scholar Award, the Society of Health and Physical Educators Southern District Scholar Award, and the Society of Health and Physical Educators Mabel Lee Award. He is the only sport management scholar to ever be elected as a fellow of both the National Academy of Kinesiology and the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education.

Andrew directed University of Louisville’s doctoral program in sport administration from 2004 to 2006, founded and directed a doctoral program in sport management at the University of Tennessee from 2006 to 2008, and then served at Troy University as the dean of the College of Health and Human Services from 2008 to 2013 and as dean of the College of Human Sciences and Education from 2013 to 2018. He has been named a distinguished alumnus of the University of South Alabama, the University of Florida, and Florida State University, and his administrative efforts have been recognized nationally by the American Association of University Administrators, the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education, and the Southern District of the Society of Health and Physical Educators.

Paul M. Pedersen, PhD, is a professor of sport management in the School of Public Health at Indiana University at Bloomington (IU). In addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses at IU, Pedersen has been the doctoral chair of 19 PhD graduates and a committee member of another 22 dissertations. As an extension of his previous work as a sportswriter and sport business columnist, Pedersen's primary areas of scholarly interest and research are the symbiotic relationship between sport and communication as well as the activities and practices of various sport organization personnel.

A research fellow of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), Pedersen has published eight books (including Contemporary Sport Management, Handbook of Sport Communication, and Strategic Sport Communication) and more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed outlets such as the Journal of Sport Management, European Sport Management Quarterly, Sport Marketing Quarterly, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Sociology of Sport Journal, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, and Journal of Sports Economics. He has also been a part of more than 100 refereed presentations at professional conferences and more than 50 invited presentations, including invited addresses in China, Denmark, Hungary, Norway, and South Korea. He has been interviewed and quoted in publications as diverse as the New York Times and China Daily.

Founder and editor in chief of the International Journal of Sport Communication, he serves on the editorial board of nine journals. A 2011 inductee into the Golden Eagle Hall of Fame (East High School in Pueblo, Colorado), Pedersen lives in Bloomington, Indiana, with his wife, Jennifer, and their two youngest children, Brock and Carlie. Their two oldest children, Hallie and Zack, graduated from IU.

Chad D. McEvoy, EdD, is a professor and the chair of the sport management program in the kinesiology and physical education department at Northern Illinois University. Before pursuing a career in academia, McEvoy worked in marketing and fundraising in intercollegiate athletics at Iowa State University and Western Michigan University. He has conducted research projects for clients in professional sport, intercollegiate athletics, and Olympic sport and for sport agency organizations.

McEvoy holds a doctoral degree from the University of Northern Colorado, a master’s degree from the University of Massachusetts, and a bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University, each in sport management and administration. His research interests focus on revenue generation in commercialized spectator sport settings.

McEvoy has published articles in the Journal of Sport Management, Sport Management Review, Sport Marketing Quarterly, and International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing. His research has been featured in stories from more than 100 media outlets, such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Chronicle of Higher Education, PBS Newshour With Jim Lehrer, New York Daily News, and USA Today. He also appeared as a panelist before the prestigious Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics in 2008.

McEvoy is currently the president of the Sport Marketing Association and previously served as editor of Case Studies in Sport Management and co-editor of the Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics. His professional affiliations include the North American Society for Sport Management and the Sport Marketing Association.
All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors and available online.

Test package. Contains a bank of over 320 questions in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice format.

Presentation package. Includes more than 450 PowerPoint slides of text, artwork, and tables from the book that can be used for class discussion and presentation. The slides in the presentation package can be used directly within PowerPoint or printed to make handouts for distribution to students. Instructors can easily add, modify, and rearrange the order of the slides.

Web resource. Provides access to complete articles from the Journal of Sport Management to serve as case study examples. Each article is followed by three to five discussion questions that can be used as additional learning activities.


  • Paperback With Online Resource
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