Promoting Active Lifestyles in Schools PDF With Web Resource
Author: Jo Harris, Lorraine Cale
$22.00 USD
Access Duration: 10 Years

Promoting Active Lifestyles in Schools is ideal for those who want to promote healthy, active lifestyles in schools—not just during physical education classes, but throughout the school day. This book presents a holistic perspective on physical activity, exposing teachers to a broad spectrum of curricular and noncurricular opportunities to enhance their pupils’ engagement with physical activity, as well as the tools and resources to do it.
Promoting Active Lifestyles in Schools offers research-informed, evidence-based practices (built on health-related studies from around the world) that will help teachers broaden their physical activity promotion in school-based environments. Through this text, teachers will receive the following:
• Tried-and-true practical learning activities that help pupils of all ages lead healthy, active lifestyles
• Clear explanations of the current thinking and evidence underpinning the practical ideas and activities, helping teachers fully grasp the content and depth of the material
• Developmentally appropriate procedures to monitor children’s health, activity and fitness in school, both as individuals and within a cohort (thus helping teachers quantify progress made)
• Best practices, illustrated through a diverse range of case studies, to help teachers connect with the information and help their pupils apply it in real life
Web Resource to Aid Learning and Implementation
Promoting Active Lifestyles in Schools comes with web resource materials, including quizzes, worksheets, case studies and assessment measures for monitoring children and school-based initiatives on individual, cohort and schoolwide levels. These tools, which are printable and can be used as is or adapted, will help teachers gain a broader understanding of their pupils’ levels of health and physical activity—from both short-term and long-term perspectives—and assist them in implementing activity-promoting practices.
Activity Throughout the Curriculum
The text intentionally addresses curriculum requirements—not just in physical education classes, but in other subjects as well—and presents whole-school and cross-curricular recommendations and expectations. It also explores extracurricular opportunities and offers ideas for connecting with parents, caregivers and community physical activity providers.
Activities in School and Beyond
Keeping with its holistic approach, Promoting Active Lifestyles in Schools supplies a diverse range of activities that can be undertaken both within and beyond school buildings. These community-based activities will be of particular interest to schools that would like to take advantage of resources in their surrounding environment. The book presents activities and school models that suit a range of contexts, and the case studies help teachers conceptualize how they can implement the activities.
Promoting and Monitoring Activity
Promoting Active Lifestyles in Schools is presented in three parts. Part I explains why the promotion of healthy, active lifestyles is important in schools and clarifies the role that educators in general, and in physical education in particular, have here. Part II focuses on how children’s health, activity and fitness can be monitored in schools and how this can help pupils learn the importance of being healthy, active and fit in their everyday lives. Part III addresses how all children can have healthy, active lifestyles, including pupils with varying abilities and those with health conditions such as asthma, diabetes and obesity. This part of the book presents a range of health-related learning activities for pupils of different ages that are developmentally appropriate, inclusive and progressive.
Making a Positive Difference
The practical ideas and activities in Promoting Active Lifestyles in Schools will help teachers make a positive difference in the health, well-being and quality of life of their pupils by equipping them with the knowledge, skills, competence and confidence to engage in physically active lifestyles. Schools can use the book to incorporate this important element into the curriculum in a planned and progressive manner that is accessible to all pupils.
Part I. Promoting Healthy, Active Lifestyles in UK Schools
Chapter 1. Recommendations for Nurturing Healthy, Active Children
Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
Risks of Inactivity
Schools’ Effectiveness in Promoting Active Lifestyles
Common Misconceptions About Children’s Health, Activity and Fitness
Chapter 2. Whole-School Approaches to Promoting Healthy Lifestyles
Creating a Healthy School
Health Education Models and Approaches
Active Schools Models and Approaches
Increasing Activity Levels in All Lessons
Working With Parents to Promote Active Lifestyles
Chapter 3. Physical Education’s Contribution to Promoting Healthy Lifestyles
Promoting Active Lifestyles in Curriculum Physical Education
Physical Education and Public Health
Activity-Promoting Models and Principles in Physical Education
Health-Related Learning Outcomes
Health-Related Learning Contexts
Assessment of Health-Related Learning
Health-Related Learning Support
Part II. Monitoring Health, Activity and Fitness in Schools
Chapter 4. Monitoring Health in Schools
Defining Health
Rationale for Monitoring Children’s Health
Methods of Monitoring Children’s Health
Learning Through Monitoring Children’s Health
Applying What You Learn From Monitoring Health
Chapter 5. Monitoring Physical Activity in Schools
Defining Physical Activity
Rationale for Monitoring Children’s Physical Activity
Methods of Monitoring Children’s Physical Activity
Learning Through Monitoring Children’s Physical Activity
Applying What You Learn From Monitoring Physical Activity
Chapter 6. Monitoring Physical Fitness in Schools
Defining Physical Fitness
Rationale for Monitoring Children’s Physical Fitness
Methods of Monitoring Children’s Physical Fitness
Learning Through Monitoring Children’s Physical Fitness
Applying What You Learn From Monitoring Physical Fitness
Part III. Health-Related Learning in Physical Education
Chapter 7. Involving All Children in Healthy, Active Lifestyles
Rationale for Involving All Children in Healthy, Active Lifestyles
Strategies for Involving All Children in Healthy, Active Lifestyles
Involving Children With Common Health Conditions in Physical Activity
Recommendations for Involving Children With Asthma, Diabetes and Obesity in Physical Activity
Chapter 8. Health-Related Learning for 5- to 7-Year-Olds
Health-Related Learning Outcomes and Contexts
Assessing Health-Related Learning
Monitoring Health, Activity and Fitness
Health-Related Learning Plans for 5- to 7-Year-Olds
Chapter 9. Health-Related Learning for 7- to 11-Year-Olds
Health-Related Learning Outcomes and Contexts
Assessing Health-Related Learning
Monitoring Health, Activity and Fitness
Health-Related Learning Plans for 7- to 11-Year-Olds
Chapter 10. Health-Related Learning for 11- to 14-Year-Olds
Health-Related Learning Outcomes and Contexts
Assessing Health-Related Learning
Monitoring Health, Activity and Fitness
Health-Related Learning Plans for 11- to 14-Year-Olds
Chapter 11. Health-Related Learning for 14- to 16-Year-Olds
Health-Related Learning Outcomes and Contexts
Assessing Health-Related Learning
Monitoring Health, Activity and Fitness
Health-Related Learning Plans for 14- to 16-Year-Olds